Step-by-step instructions: how to conduct the first online meeting of owners in GIS Housing and Communal Services

The laws of the Russian Federation state that all cooperative partnerships, management companies and housing and communal enterprises must enter information about their activities into a database called GIS. Below we will learn about what the GIS Housing and Communal Services is, why this system is needed, how to register on the GIS Housing and Communal Services website and what filling out the GIS Housing and Communal Services data looks like.

What is GIS

GIS housing and communal services is a special electronic system that stores a lot of information about the functioning of residential and non-residential buildings. In fact, the GIS housing and communal services is a database that stores information about housing stock, utilities, housing and communal services of certain enterprises, and so on. Also, using the Housing and Communal Services GIS, you can find out information about debt and tariffs for utility services. The placement of information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services for HOAs is regulated by the law “On the State Information System of Housing and Communal Services.”

Important! All persons involved in the provision of housing and communal services are required to enter information about their activities into the GIS housing and communal services system. GIS always works; if your GIS housing and communal services does not work, then you need to check your Internet connection, scan your computers for viruses, and so on.

Let's list the basic information that must be entered into the GIS housing and communal services database:

  • Reports on various works carried out by utility companies, homeowners' associations and management companies.
  • Technical information about apartment buildings.
  • Information about meter readings.
  • Financial documentation that reflects the company's activities.
  • Resource management.
  • Reports on the work that was carried out after residents submitted the relevant applications.
  • Information about all meetings of residents.
  • The charter of the organization in accordance with which the utility company, HOA or management company operates.
  • Some other information, the need for inclusion in the GIS housing and communal services is regulated by relevant laws.

It should be understood that the laws of the Russian Federation oblige utility companies to place certain data in the housing and communal services information system GIS forcibly (without entering data into the GIS, the company does not have the right to enter into any agreement). Failure to comply with these laws may result in a utility being penalized by revoking its license or imposing a fine.

Who is responsible in the company for providing data?

Both company managers and their employees, who are on permanent or temporary staff, are responsible for providing information to the GIS Housing and Communal Services. When entrusting such a task to an employee, management must issue an order, familiarize the subordinate with it, and indicate to him the deadline for completing the work. Ignoring these rules leaves responsibility with the manager.

Read about who is responsible for registering in the GIS Housing and Communal Services, how to work in the system, and what information needs to be entered here.

Who enters information into the GIS Housing and Communal Services

Utility service providers can be registered individuals and legal entities that have the appropriate permit. The right to enter information into a GIS system is regulated by state laws and government regulations. It should be understood that information about the functioning of residential buildings is provided not only by housing and communal services enterprises, but also by some other persons:

  • Various federal authorities that are involved in areas such as registration of real estate rights, regulation of utility tariffs, taxation, migration regulation, and so on.
  • Local authorities that regulate housing and communal activities in accordance with local laws.
  • Various organizations that are involved in the repair and maintenance of utilities.
  • Government agencies involved in the supply of electricity and installation of metering devices.
  • Various organizations involved in the development of housing stock.
  • State or licensed private organizations that are engaged in accounting for residential and non-residential buildings.

What is a utility directory?

The utility services directory is located in the “Rent payment settings” subsystem in the “Services” block. Its purpose is to store information about the types of services provided.

The element of the reference book in question “Types of services” contains the following details:

  • “Name” - the name of the type of service provided.
  • “Service group” - necessary for classifying services in reporting documents.

  • "Type of utility resource".
  • “Major repairs” - if this parameter is checked, then a separate payment document is drawn up for this service.
  • “Provision of subsidies” - allows you to obtain information about whether a subsidy is provided for a given type of service.

Placing information in GIS Housing and Communal Services

Let's now learn about how utility companies, homeowners' associations and management companies can register, add an employee, add a house, enter information about tariffs, and so on. Below we will consider the question of how to place information in the Housing and Communal Services GIS.


First, let's look at the issue of registering a company in the housing and communal services system. To register, you will need a digital signature, which can be obtained from any government center that provides administrative services. Also, to register, you need to have an account that was created using the ESIA system. Let's assume that you have registered with the ESIA and have a digital signature.

Important! To register your activities as an entity that provides housing and communal services, you must open the website and undergo authorization.

Registration looks like this:

  • Open the “Organization Registration” tab and select “Organization Information” - after this a special window will open, which is intended for registering and changing information about the organization.
  • First, add the HOA's mailing address. To do this, enter the full address of the company in the appropriate box. You can also select an organization's address from the list - to do this, click the icon that looks like three small horizontal lines, and then select your address.
  • Fill in the items “Abbreviated name”, “Date of registration”, “Official website” and “Fax”. If desired, these fields can be left blank. If you do not have a fax, then the corresponding field can be left blank.
  • Check the correctness of the data indicated in the fields “Full name”, “TIN”, “Organizational and legal form” and so on. It should be understood that these items are filled in automatically in accordance with the data you provided when registering your ESIA account.
  • After this, you need to add at least one HOA function. To do this, go to the Feature Details section and select the area in which your company is involved.
  • After this, enter information about the subject of the Russian Federation where your company operates
  • Now you need to read the User Agreement. After reading, confirm that you agree to the agreement, and then click the “Add Feature” button.
  • Pre-registration has closed. After this, you must add to the GIS website the charter of the organization, information about the functioning of the partnership and information about the composition of the management organization. You must also fill out the data in the GIS. The main information that needs to be specified is the addresses of the houses that your company manages, the technical and operational characteristics of the buildings, information about the structural elements of the buildings, data on the presence of utilities and information about the condition of the houses at the moment. This information must be entered within 15 days.

Adding a home

Let's now learn about how to add a house to the Housing and Communal Services GIS:

  • First, log into your personal account. Then open the “Management Objects” menu and select “Housing Objects”. In the menu that opens, select “Register of objects” and click the “Add house” button.
  • In the “Property Address” section, indicate the location of the house, and then click the “Next” button.
  • Open the “Add a house” tab, fill in all the required fields and click the “Post information” button to confirm the data entry. If necessary, you must also provide information on the number of entrances and non-residential premises.
  • After that, enter the exact number of floors of the house (don't forget about the underground floors). Information about the height of a building can be found using the cadastral passport of the building. It is also necessary to fill out the “OKTMO Code” item. After this, click the “Post Information” button again.
  • Now enter information about all the premises located in the multi-storey building into the GIS Housing and Communal Services. For non-residential premises, it is necessary to indicate the purpose of such premises (you can find this information in the cadastral passport of a multi-storey building).

Adding an account

Let's now add an invoice according to the step-by-step instructions:

  • Open the "Quarter" program, which is used for accounting and managing accounts. In this program, select “Database”. Then click the “GIS” button and “Export account information”. After this, an upload will be performed, as a result of which a special document with a number in xlsx format will be generated, which will display information about the company’s personal account. If errors are found during the report generation process, you must make corrections to the Kvartal database and repeat the procedure again.
  • Now open the GIS Housing and Communal Services website, select “Management Objects” and “Personal Accounts”. Now click the “Upload information” button and add the xlsx file that was generated using the “Kvartal” program. After downloading, click the “Import” button to enter the data into the state information system GIS Housing and Communal Services. You should also remember that in some cases data import does not occur immediately, but 30-90 minutes after pressing the import button.
  • Now you need to check the downloaded data. To do this, click the “File Import Results” button and check the correctness of the entered data.

Adding an employee

Let's now find out how to add a company employee with whom an employment contract has been concluded:

  • To do this, open the GIS Housing and Communal Services website, select “Organizations” and click the “Details” button.
  • After this, a special menu will open where you can view information about your individual organization. To add an employee, open the “Employees” tab and click the “Invite Employee” button.
  • Now a special “New Member” window will open, which needs to be filled out. In this window, enter all the information about your employee (name, surname, citizenship, age, passport details, SNILS, email, etc.).
  • Let's also touch on the issue of granting administrator rights to an employee. By default, all workers are granted public access rights. If you want to make an employee an administrator, then next to the employee’s account, check the “Organization Profile Administrators” field and click the “Invite” button. After this, a special message will be sent to the employee’s email. To become an administrator, an employee must open this email and follow the hyperlink. Please note that this invitation will be active for 60 days and can only be used once. You should also remember that only people who have a verified account on the State Services website can follow such a link.

What information needs to be posted for HOAs, management companies, housing cooperatives within the established time frame?

Within 15 days from the occurrence of the event, you must post information about:

  • registration of a legal entity, title documents and its management;
  • management of an apartment building - address, cadastral number, territory code, dates of construction and start of operation, series and type of building, number of entrances, elevators, floors, apartments, and so on;
  • non-residential premises in the house indicating the data - their organization in the serviced house or registration;
  • when registering a land plot for cadastral repair - indicate the area and cadastral number;
  • cadastral registration of apartments, rooms - indicate all registration data;
  • work on maintenance or repair of common property of apartment buildings.

Within 7 days the following is posted:

  • the size of tariffs, payments for housing and communal services, house management work;
  • current information about the bank, current account, where funds for maintenance and repair of the house, utilities are received;
  • information on the dates of provision of payment documents to residents;
  • deadlines for transmitting readings from indoor metering devices;
  • periods of payment for housing and communal services by residents;
  • data on concluded contracts - for the provision of utility services by the management company and about their recipients; for maintenance of apartment buildings;
  • what services are available to owners, what time frames they are required to provide meter readings, during what period they have the right to use the services;
  • description of the quality of work and services for the repair and maintenance of apartment buildings;
  • data on the commissioning of a public or private metering device.

Once a month, you need to update data on the number of housing and communal services and their quality. It is necessary to record violations or overdue elimination.

3 days in advance you need to upload information about the restriction or suspension of utility services in the house being serviced.

Repair cost data needs to be updated regularly. If management companies, homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives use a bank account where funds for repairs are placed, information about the formation and expenditure of money for maintenance of the building must be entered into the GIS.

Responsibilities of organizations and enterprises

The law provides for entering certain information into the electronic complex and creating an account for all companies operating in the industry. Moreover, liability for failure to provide data does not depend on the form of ownership. Organizations and enterprises must:

  • register;
  • regularly publish information on the state of affairs (specified in regulations).

Attention: the current legislation provides for the liability of officials for failure to comply with the requirements relating to the operation of the portal.

How to register a legal entity

The algorithm of actions for legal entities is the same. Let us describe it using the example of a management company. The step-by-step instructions look like this:

  1. The manager must first create his own account.
  2. After confirming it, you need to log into your personal account on the website using your login and password.
  3. Select the “Add organization” function in the data section.
  4. From the list that appears, select the form of the enterprise:
      individual entrepreneur;
  5. entity;
  6. government agency
  7. In the window that opens, you should step by step enter reliable information about the company:
      full name (according to extract from the state register);
  8. OGRN;
  9. TIN;
  10. location address;
  11. telephones.
  12. Certification of data with an electronic digital signature.

Hint: data verification is carried out using the Federal Tax Service database. The process takes up to ten days. At the end of the check, you will receive confirmation of the successful completion of the operation.

Further work on publishing information

The duties of legal entities at the legislative level include the function of providing information about their activities. Each position is strictly regulated.
A summary of the responsibilities is given in the table:

About making a management decisionWithin 24 hours from the date of account registration
Appeals from people (essence and answer)Within three days after the end of the reporting period
Statistics relating to the quality and cost of servicesUpon completion of the reporting period no later than seven days
Registration of metering devicesWeek from event date
When changing accounting equipment data3 days
Quality indicators of services providedWithin a week after the end of the reporting period
Tariff dataA week
Estimated indicatorsUntil the 10th of the next month
Information about payment deadlines3 days, within 24 hours after changes are made to the decision
About holding meetings by residentsA week
Terms of the service agreementOne week from registration

Hint: the portal functionality allows you to enter the necessary information in two ways:

  • with the help of an operator in the office;
  • by filling out and uploading forms created in Excel.

About responsibility

The information from the table above should be constantly available to the public.
Due to the fact that the function of publishing it is entrusted to the organizations that generate it, punishment is imposed for violation of the law. Attention: regulatory authorities apply fines and disqualification from 01/01/2018 to all mandatory users of the system. In 2020, only civil servants could be fined within the framework of the law. There are currently no statistics on imposed fines.

Liability arises for the following violations:

  1. violation of deadlines for entering data into the system;
  2. failure to post mandatory information;
  3. publication of false information;
  4. incomplete information of the population;
  5. data distortion.

The identified primary violation threatens (Articles 13.19.1 and 13.19.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses):

  • individuals with fines up to RUB 30,000.0:
  • legal - up to RUB 200,000.0;
  • disqualification for a repeated violation for a period of one to three years.

Note: in 2020, financial institutions that organize the collection of utility bills from the population may be held liable.
Download for viewing and printing: “Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses” dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ

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