calculation on a calculator
How to find out land tax by cadastral number
Each tax resident is obliged to pay certain taxes to the Russian state for the right to use certain
In what cases can you challenge a deed of gift for an apartment and how to sue the property, including during the life of the donor?
Disputes that arise between relatives and spouses most often occur during the division of property or real estate,
how to collect a penalty from a developer
Claim for recovery of penalties from the developer. How to collect a penalty from a developer: step-by-step instructions
How to collect a penalty from a developer who is delaying the delivery of a house: this question is relevant for those who
Pay housing and utility bills on time
Will utility payments for pensioners 70 years and older be abolished? Saw
Reconstruction of a high-rise building
What is the difference between reconstruction and major repairs of buildings?
What is the difference between a major overhaul and a reconstruction? When reconstructing a building or structure,
How much does it cost to install a gas meter in an apartment?
How to install First, you need to agree with the gas company servicing your home about the meter model on
Registration of real estate ownership according to the acquisition limitation period
Registration of real estate ownership according to the acquisition limitation period
The transition of modern Russia to the triumph of private property has given rise to many conflicts and problematic situations. Especially
Which banks give a mortgage for a room, all the features of the deal
Mortgage Mortgage for a room at DeltaCredit bank in Moscow
Which banks give a mortgage for a room Good day, friends! Lately clients
FMS of Russia
Is it possible to extend the mortgage approval period at the bank?
Registration of a foreigner at the place of stay in the MFC Such registration is temporary and is issued for a short period of time
Opening balance in receipt for apartment
What is a “balance” on electricity bills? Balance is the debt for electricity for