Features of privatization of a land plot for a private house: procedure
Plot of land under a private house Who owns it
Is it necessary to privatize land under a private house? Current regulations do not establish the number
Is it necessary to put into operation a house built on a summer cottage in a garden cooperative?
Registration of a house in a gardening partnership Prepared documentation and application are submitted through the MFC, in person
Features of choosing a mortgage term
Minimum term and amount of mortgage at Sberbank
What is the minimum mortgage term? Many borrowers who take out a mortgage from a bank try to reduce
Article 551 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. State registration of transfer of ownership of real estate (current version)
Deadlines for Registration in Rosreestr in 2020 Deadlines for state cadastral registration of real estate
What is the savings-mortgage system for military personnel?
Rosvoenipoteka: how to register a personal account on the official website For military personnel, the issue of housing always remains
Features of a deed of gift for an apartment between close and distant relatives
All articles 26615 2020-03-13 This article will help determine what needs to be taken into account when drawing up a contract
Permanent registration from the owner in Moscow
Definition of the concept of registration - the residence address of a citizen, a specific place where he is permanently located and
Land donation agreement completed sample
What is a land donation agreement? Under a gift deed, the donor transfers ownership
Redistribution of land plots between owners
Algorithm for redistribution of land plots with municipal land
Sometimes landowners need to carry out redistribution and establish new boundary points of their property.
Site marking
Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Economic Development of Russia) dated August 17, 2012 N 518 Moscow “On the requirements for accuracy and methods for determining the coordinates of characteristic
Standards for indentations from the boundaries of a land plot Basic requirements for indentations from the boundaries of a land plot, for