Single land use and multi-circuit plot, difference. Unified land use is... Features of the preparation of documents necessary for the implementation of state cadastral registration of multi-contact
CADASTRAL RECORDING OF UNIFIED LAND USE There is no definition of unified land use in land legislation. This concept
What does an apartment from a developer mean and will developers really sell an apartment without intermediaries?
Total area of ​​the apartment The total area of ​​the residential premises consists of the sum of the areas of all parts of such
How much is the state fee for registration in an apartment?
Current legislation requires all citizens living on the territory of the Russian Federation to undergo
Setting out the boundaries of the land plot
Boundary signs, restoration of boundary signs (Moscow, Moscow region)
Much has already been revealed in the title itself, and yet what is “clarification of the boundaries of land
Building density: calculation rules and rights
Land plot as an object of ownership
Land surveying - what it is and the history of the development of the process. So, what is it?
house or parts of a house
How to register ownership of an apartment in a new building through the MFC
Nuances of registering real estate transactions Before submitting documents for registration through the MFC, the parties
How to evict neighbors renting an apartment without a contract in 2020
In apartment buildings there are several apartments on one staircase. When buying a home, don't
Inventory of property sample form (form, sample - 2020)
Renting an apartment is a rather complicated and sometimes risky process. Risks involved
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How to Check Debt for Major Repairs in Moscow
Checking debt for major repairs Before buying a residential property, you need to check whether
Replacement of rights in another region without registration
Is it possible to change your license at a location other than your place of registration in 2020?
Is it possible to change the license in another city, not at the place of registration? Is it possible to change