How to find out if there is a share in a privatized apartment, how to find out what share in the apartment belongs to me

Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate

General and detailed information about any type of real estate registered on the territory of the Russian Federation is stored in the Unified State Register. All data contained in its databases is open. Both interested parties and owners have the right to access them. To obtain an extract from the Unified State Register you will need:

  • pay the state fee;
  • sign a statement about the need to issue a certificate of a certain type;
  • wait for the paper to be issued.

You can contact the MFC, State Services, Cadastral Register and Rosreestr. The time frame for document generation will be no more than 5 working days . To avoid mistakes, you need to find out in advance the exact address of the real estate or its registration number.


In order for a share to be considered insignificant, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. The owner must have no interest in his share (not live there, not pay bills).
  2. Compared to other apartments, the share is small.
  3. The share cannot be separated in kind.
  4. Dividing an apartment into shares brings problems.

But all these factors must be combined. If one factor is missing, claims may be rejected.

However, the owner of a minor share also has the right to:

  • sell;
  • present;
  • bequeath;
  • exchange.

The share cannot be rented out unless the other owners of the remaining apartment have given their consent.

What information will the extract from the Unified State Register contain?

The information provided in the certificate will be current at the time of its issuance. The document contains :

  • complete information about the person who placed the order for the certificate;
  • serial number of the extract;
  • the exact date of its formation;
  • place of registration of the requested immovable property;
  • the purpose of the apartment and its actual address;
  • general information about real estate: registration number in the cadastre, area, etc.;
  • features of the right of ownership of the object;
  • information about all owners (co-owners, shared owners);
  • existing restrictions and other data.

Since the registration of real estate is maintained by federal government services, the information provided in the extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate will be 100% reliable . If the document indicates 3 share owners, then during the transaction there will not be 4 of them.

Fractional values ​​will also be indicated in the legally approved form

They can be equal or unequal.

Where on the Internet you can find out for free how many owners there are in an apartment

Using the Rosreestr website you can find out for free the number of owners of an apartment. And using the USRN extract, you can find out the full names of the owners and the size of their shares.

Free method - look at the Rosreestr website

  1. 1. Follow the link - - Reference information on real estate online
  2. 2. Enter the apartment address or cadastral number, enter the captcha and click on “Generate a request”.
    For clarity, I have prepared examples of entering apartment addresses: example No. 1, example No. 2, example No. 3, example No. 4.

    If you need Moscow or St. Petersburg, look for them in the “Subject” drop-down list in the “Address” block. If you need other cities and locations, then select the region/republic/district in the “Subject” list, then select the desired city or district in the “District” list. If you need a town/village/village, look for it in the “Settlement” list.

    Next, select “Street Type.” Below enter: street name; House number; if necessary, the case number; apartment number.

    For example, I entered the address: Moscow, 8th Sokolinaya Gora Street, building 6, apt. 47.

  3. 3. In the search results, click on the apartment address. If the address is not displayed, then there is no information about the apartment in the USRN.
  4. 4.Below, click on the “Rights and Restrictions” section.

If the line “Right” shows “Common joint property”, then there are 2 owners in the apartment . In most cases, these owners are spouses.

If “Common shared ownership” is displayed, then the apartment is owned by several owners in shares . The number of rows displayed equals the number of owners. 2 lines means 2 owners; 3 lines means 3 owners, etc. The sizes of the shares are not displayed; they can be found out using the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) extract.

If the property is displayed in one line, it means the apartment has one owner.

There is no other free reference information on the Rosrestr website.

There is more information about the owners in the USR statement

There are several types of extracts, the required one is called an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the main characteristics and registered rights to the property.

You need to look in the “Information about registered rights” section in the “Copyright holder” line. I warn you right away - only the full name and size of shares are displayed there. There are no passport details or contacts there. This personal data cannot be distributed without permission. How and where is the best way to order an extract?

One owner (Bobkov)

Several owners (Seleznevs)

The USRN extract is not a free document. Ordinary citizens cannot simply obtain information from the Unified State Register for free. This can be done by law enforcement officers, courts, notaries, etc. - clause 2 of Art. 63 of the Law on State Registration of Real Estate.

Anyone can order extracts for any real estate in the Russian Federation. They are paper and electronic. They can be ordered at any branch of the MFC or on the official website of Rosreestr. Paper costs 460 rubles, electronic 290 rubles. The extract will be available for pick up 3 working days after the order. You only need to have your passport with you. I recommend ordering an electronic statement: 1) it is cheaper. Moreover, I know where you can order it even cheaper - for 250 rubles (details below); 2) you don’t need to go anywhere - after payment, an electronic statement will be sent by email; 3) easily opens on a computer or phone - no additional programs need to be installed. Can be printed.

It is better to order electronic statements not from the official website of Rosreestr, but from its partner service (the reasons are indicated in the next paragraph). takes official information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, and not from any of its databases, because along with the extract they will send a digital signature of the Rosreestr registrar (EDS).

Why did I start using 1) On the Rosreestr website, an extract costs 290 rubles. In, an extract costs 250 rubles, and a package of 5 statements costs 150 rubles each. How to order an extract is written below, how to order a package of extracts is here. 2) statements are sent on average within 1 hour.

We had to wait an average of 47 hours from Rosreestr. Sometimes in Whotam.

there may be delays due to technical work in Rosreestr, they are warned about them in advance before ordering an extract; 3) statements are sent immediately in readable form - you can open them on a computer or smartphone, no additional programs are required.

From Rosreestr you will receive an extract in an unreadable .xml format and will have to convert it into a readable form. 4) It is easier to fill out the order fields and there are few of them. The Rosreestr website is inconvenient, there are many fields for ordering and you need to enter your passport data.

The only disadvantage of is that the statements do not contain a graphic plan of the apartment. But you don’t need a graphic plan to find out the owners.

Why find out the owner's share in the apartment?

The main reason is that a share of the property or the entire apartment can be put up for sale and sold without the knowledge and consent of all co-owners. Violations of the rights of owners cannot be ruled out . An extract from the Unified State Register will help avoid the following situations:

  • purchasing a share of an apartment owned by a minor child;
  • acquiring part of the property that belongs to an incapacitated person;
  • purchasing a share of property owned by a person currently in prison.

In all these cases, the person whose rights have been infringed has the legal right to challenge the completed sale transaction. This risks litigation and additional costs. Therefore, when identifying share owners, they insist on conducting the transaction with consent. It would not hurt to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for a person who is not sure (does not know, doubts) that he has his own share.

You can also find out the ownership share in an apartment through intermediary companies. But contacting them may result in the issuance of false certificates. Therefore, it is wiser to contact Rosreestr.


How to find out what share in the apartment belongs to you?

Choose a method depending on your preferences: whichever is more convenient for you - a personal visit or online via the Internet.

Method No. 1 – Rosreestr or MFC

This option is suitable in most cases. If there is no Rosreestr branch in your city or it is far from home, contact the MFC - an intermediary organization.

*/ – there is a “courier” service from Rosreestr that goes to the client’s home.

Algorithm of actions

The general procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Find a suitable organization - FKP "Rosreestr" or State Budgetary Institution "My Documents" (MFC).
  2. Find out the details and pay the state fee.
  3. Prepare documents:
  • Russian passport;
  • payment receipt.
  1. Select the desired service at the branch terminal, take a receipt with a serial number.
  2. Wait your turn.
  3. Go to the free recorder window.
  4. Give the documents, fill out the application - you need to provide information about the requested object.
  5. Pick up your passport and a coupon with the date of your next visit.
  6. Go to Rosreestr or MFC for a completed certificate.

Read more about help in the next section of the article.

What does the extract from the Unified State Register contain?

Information about real estate and ownership is entered into the state register (archive). The issued extract from the Unified State Register contains current information as of the date of application. Anyone can apply for a certificate, not necessarily the owner.

The main points of the extract from Rosreestr:

  • Full name of the citizen who ordered the certificate;
  • No. of the finished document;
  • date of issue to the applicant;
  • location of the property (apartment);
  • address, cadastral data;
  • size of the apartment, information about shares, their proportions (see “How to calculate shares in a right using an online calculator“);
  • type of property right;
  • information about the shared owners of the apartment - the item that interests us;
  • information about arrest, bail, etc.

extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the main characteristics and ownership rights of the apartment
Find out if you are among the owners and what share you own.


The production time for the USRN extract is 3 working days .

A request through the State Budgetary Institution “My Documents” takes a little longer - from 5 working days .

Holidays and weekends are not taken into account.

What is the price?

Ordering an extract from the Unified State Register is considered a paid service:

  • paper version – 750 rubles;
  • electronic sample – 300 rubles.

A regular extract from the Unified State Register will cost 400 rubles, and an electronic one – 250 rubles.

The cost of an on-site “courier” service to a client’s home is from 500 to 1,500 rubles (by region). Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people and low-income categories of citizens can receive the service free of charge.

Method No. 2 – Government services

Applications through the State Services portal are becoming increasingly popular. All that is needed from the applicant is access to the Personal Account and access to the Internet + digital signature or enhanced electronic signature.

Step-by-step instruction

Before using the service, you need to create a Personal Account. From there you can order government services, including an extract from Rosreestr.

Instructions for the State Services portal:

  1. Log in to your Personal Account (login/password).
  2. Open the menu “Rosreestr”.
  1. Check the service you need - we are interested in “Providing information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate”.
  1. Click on the menu item marked below.
  1. Go to the website of FKP "Rosreestr" and continue registering the request.

Please note that State Services does not register applications for the issuance of certificates of ownership. However, by entering your login and password, you can go to the Rosreestr website and finish what you started there.

Service cost

Registration of an extract through State Services does not differ in terms of prices. The cost is still the same - 300 rubles for the electronic version, 750 rubles for a paper certificate .

You can make a payment for the service directly on the State Services website. The main advantage is a 30% discount on payment. Together with ordering an electronic sample, this will save money.

Method No. 3 – Rosreestr website

Related to the previous method. There is no need to go to the branch - the actions take place on the official website of the FKP Rosreestr.

Algorithm of actions

How to determine the share in an apartment through the Rosreestr website:

  1. Open the official portal of FKP "Rosreestr".
  2. Log in with your username and password.
  3. Click the item “Obtain information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate” or enter the cadastral number of the object into the search (for example, 50:15:0080801:18).
  1. Next, select the desired service.
  2. A request form will open - you need to fill out the details and go through 4 steps (see photo).
  1. Pay for the order certificate.
  2. Please wait for an email response.

When filling out an application, you can choose the method of receiving an extract from the Unified State Register - paper or electronic. In the second case, the sample will be sent to the e-mail you specified. If you order a paper certificate, you will have to pick it up at the MFC branch or at Rosreestr.

What is the price?

An online service is considered a profitable operation. First of all, because of its cost. One copy of an extract from the Unified State Register will cost 300 rubles . The electronic sample has legal force like a paper certificate from Rosreestr. The only thing required from the recipient is an electronic digital stamp (EDS). Usually the certificate arrives by mail within 3 days. The validity period is 30 days from the date of receipt.

So, we found out that it is not difficult to find out about the current share in an apartment or house. If a person has a title document, you need to study the clause on homeowners. If the information is missing, you will have to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate from the Cadastral Chamber: in person, at your home, by mail, through the State Register. Now priority is given to online options - it’s cheap, fast and convenient.

Still have questions? Ask our lawyers absolutely free of charge in a way convenient for you. Lawyers will advise how best to find out about your share, when you need it, how long different statements are valid, and how to get them faster? If you are planning to sell/buy an apartment in shared ownership, it is important to take into account the interests of all co-owners. Otherwise, litigation cannot be avoided. The lawyer knows about these points and will correct your actions. You will be able to verify the seller or provide buyers with up-to-date information about your share. Ask for help and save your nerves from the apartment transaction!

From the video below you will learn how to correctly read an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the characteristics of an apartment:


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