Let's find out what is included in the rent: the calculation procedure, what the rent consists of, a list of housing and communal services

Communal payments


We come across the concepts of “rent” and “utility payments” every month before payment, but sometimes it’s difficult to figure out what’s the difference between them. The word “rent” is short for the phrase “rent,” which already speaks for itself. But what is included in the rent and what distinguishes it from utility bills?

The rent consists of a certain list of services that are provided by the housing office or another public utility - it can be private or public. Let's list the services provided:

  1. Improvement of local areas.
  2. Cleaning of entrances and staircases.
  3. Maintenance of elevators and garbage chutes.
  4. Garbage removal.
  5. Maintenance of water pipes, drains, and sewer systems at home.
  6. Maintenance of intercom systems (if it is not installed by the residents themselves).
  7. Repair of technical elements, external damage to the building, etc.

That is, the rent consists of all services that relate to the maintenance of the house and surrounding areas. The amount that consumers of services pay monthly must ensure the wages of utility workers who perform the above work.

What are utility bills? Utility payments are made for services provided by housing and communal services enterprises for the comfortable stay of residents of apartments, private houses, users of offices and other public buildings. Utilities consist of: provision of cold, hot water and sanitation; heating; electricity supply; gas supply.

Each site visitor can easily pay for utilities without commission, including utility bills and rent. Convenient payments with EasyPay!

Every month the owner of a residential premises in an apartment building is required to pay fixed payments for the use of utilities. The list of benefits provided and the corresponding fees for them are indicated in a special document - a receipt.

Rent amount

increases every year

, therefore, studying what is included in the rent, as well as the basics and subtleties of calculating the amount, is mandatory for any owner, since in the future this will allow him to maintain his own financial stability.

It is worth considering that management and resource supply companies in Russia in 2020 have the right to disable the provision of services if a citizen does not timely pay the figures indicated in the payroll.

It is important to know about the accrual

Before determining the cost items for utilities, you must first establish the form of management of the apartment building:

  • direct control;
  • HOA;
  • Management Company.

Depending on this criterion, as well as on the terms of the contract and the list of services, the amount of the fee that the organization will charge is established.

In addition, the method of repayment of the amounts is determined in this way: either it is collected in full or in part, and the owner is obliged to pay for the remaining share independently to the relevant organizations.

The payroll consists of two sections that form the column of expenses of the owner of the residential premises for services: payment for housing and payment for consumed energy resources.

It is worth understanding that the total amount depends on many factors:

  • regional tariffs (obviously, fees in Moscow will be significantly higher than in the provinces);
  • availability of metering devices;
  • the decision of the owners to use one or another range of services for the maintenance of an apartment building, etc.

For this reason, creating some kind of universal calculator for quickly calculating rent is quite problematic.

Legal regulation

First of all, it is necessary to determine the legal regulation of payment for utility services.

In accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, each person who has a residence permit is required to pay for the services consumed, as well as the maintenance of the building.

It also contains general recommendations and wishes, but municipal authorities, together with housing and communal services, have the right to make additional changes based on the individual characteristics of the area.

For example, with regard to tariffs, these values ​​can only be set by a special federal structure. But certain adjustments are made by regional authorities - the figures in such cases depend on the financial state of the market in a given region, as well as on climatic nuances.

Obviously, the region cannot deviate greatly from the norm established by the state - to reflect the conditions, there is a special act - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 06/06/2011 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.”

Calculation of rent for an apartment

Advice from lawyers:

1. The procedure for calculating rent for a non-privatized 2-room apartment.

1.1. Dear Vladimir! You can find the answer to your question after reading Articles 153-157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354. Good luck to you .

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2. Please tell me the number of residents depends on the calculation for utilities or the rent is taken from the area of ​​the apartment. There are meters for gas, electricity, and water.

2.1. Rent is calculated based on the number of registered people using average standards. The list of such standards includes: garbage removal, sewerage, hot and cold water, electricity, and gas. The last three points will be included in the list of norms if the owner does not have meters. If you install meters, then future costs will be significantly reduced. If the standards depend on the number of people, then the rent will be calculated based on the number of people registered in the given territory, regardless of how many of them live in the apartment. That is, two people can be registered in an apartment, but actually three people live there. Payment will be made for two people. If the standards depend on the area of ​​the apartment, then the following data are used: house maintenance; heating; repair; general house needs. Payment for intercom, radio and landline telephone is not included in this receipt and must be paid separately.

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3. Please, is it legal to charge for garbage removal in an apartment in which no one is registered (no one lives) for 2 people (the rent for solid waste removal is 2 people for 150 rubles) only on the basis that the apartment 2 owners - 1/2 each for husband and wife. 2 owners because they bought the apartment with a mortgage - the bank demands the husband.

3.1. You need to provide the operator with documents confirming the fact of residence at a different address, then they will recalculate.

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4. The apartment has been privatized, but the other day I found out that it is not registered in the cadastral register. Is it legal to charge rent; there are no agreements with suppliers and housing and communal services. The Head of the Administration threw up his hands at this question...

4.1. Yes, that's legal. The owner bears the burden of maintenance.

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5. A person is registered in an apartment, but has not lived in it for 9 years. Is it legal for housing and communal services to charge this person rent? If so, what exactly should he pay for and in what amount?

5.1. Hello! Rent is charged to the owner of the residential premises for its maintenance. If the registered person and the owner of the property are the same person, then everything is legal.

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5.2. The obligation to pay for housing and communal services occurs regardless of whether a person lives or not. The exception is the payment for hot water supply, hot water supply, sewerage, if meters are not installed and there is an act stating that meters cannot be installed, then an application for recalculation is written and documents are attached regarding payment for housing and communal services at the place of actual residence. If you are not a person who is simply registered, then under certain conditions you can be deregistered.

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6. How is the share of the owner of a privatized apartment in the right of common ownership of common property in an apartment building determined? It seems that according to the Law, rent must be charged for cleaning common areas based on my share in this common property, but in fact, the management company is responsible - the total area of ​​my apartment is my share in the apartment building. And MOP cleaning is charged per sq.m of apartments - is this legal?

6.1. Hello! According to Part 1 of Art. 37 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the share in the right of common ownership of common property in an apartment building of the owner of the premises in this building is proportional to the size of the total area of ​​​​the specified premises.

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7. I have a question. My wife and I divorced. She lives in the apartment. I moved to another city and rented an apartment there. But I didn’t check out of that apartment. And the rent comes. What can be done to stop the payment of rent and recalculate it? A lot has accumulated in two years. With all respect, Andrew.

7.1. Hello! You need to deregister and then nothing will be credited. There are no other options.

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7.2. You won't do anything. The debt will be collected forcibly. According to Art. 155 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, non-use of premises by owners, tenants and other persons is not grounds for non-payment of payment for residential premises and utilities.

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8. I have a debt for an apartment of 72,500, according to a writ of execution in the amount of 60,000, I pay from my salary. I pay the current payments in full, but in the rent receipt there is an accrual of a penny for the entire debt (72500), is this legal? Thank you!

8.1. No, the penalty should be charged only on the amount owed. The issue is resolved in court.

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8.2. You need to track the receipt of money into the management company’s account so that penalties are no longer charged. It looks like you'll have to resolve the issue in court. Once the debt is repaid, no penalty will be charged on it.

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9. A resident approached me with an application to change the total area of ​​the apartment, that is, to remove the balcony from the rent charges, but the certificate for the apartment indicates the area with a balcony, should she re-register the area of ​​the apartment and change the USR certificate? What should I do? I'm a rent accountant. And if possible, regulations.

9.1. You must refuse everyone and everything, regardless of the grounds. And if the owner does not agree, then let him try to prove it in court, which is not easy. You are an accountant in the Management Company / Homeowners Association - this is your most sacred duty)) Sincerely, lawyer - Vadim Igorevich Stepanov.

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10. For rent for housing and communal services, I have a debt on my personal account that has accumulated over the course of 5 years, because... I didn’t live in the apartment, my wife didn’t let me in. The accounts are divided, my wife pays her personal account, but I don’t. Can I contact the management company about reducing the debt and not charging penalties? How can I prove that I did not use water (water meters are not installed in the apartment)?

10.1. Prepare a claim for recalculation to the Criminal Code. Article 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation will be applied. Provide a certificate stating that you lived in another place. And also Article 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, apply a reduction in interest.

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10.2. Provide documents confirming your place of residence. They could have filed a claim long ago for obstructing the use of housing and then it would have been easier. You don't have to pay at all, because... If there is a claim in court, then declare that the 3-year limitation period has passed, and the debt with penalties will be significantly reduced. Let’s not forget about Article 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Follow the website of the magistrate, call them so as not to miss the collection of debt under a court order. When making a decision, the judge does not look at the statute of limitations. You will not be able to get a copy of the court order, because... you don’t live at the address, and your ex will definitely throw the envelope in the trash.

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11. I returned from MLS, I spent more than three years there. Pregnant, more than 29 weeks. During my absence, I incurred a large debt for rent. My ex-husband and our children lived in the apartment. What should we do now? The housing company does not want to recalculate due to my absence, they say that the accruals were according to the standard. I didn’t live, but I have to pay? And how to oblige the ex-husband to pay for the period when he lived there and did not pay.

11.1. Hello Julia! Unfortunately for you, being in prison does not relieve the owner from bearing the burden of maintaining the property, even though you did not live there. The only option is to pay the accumulated debt in half with my husband. Otherwise, the Criminal Code will file a lawsuit and forcefully collect the debt from you.

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12. I have a debt for an apartment, penalties accrued on this amount (which were a separate amount), and in the last rent sheet these amounts were combined into one, AND THE ACCRUAL OF FINES COMES FROM THIS AMOUNT - tell me, is this legal? AND WHAT LAW (WHAT ARTICLE OF WHICH CODE) GOVERNS THIS ISSUE?

12.1. Good day, dear visitor! Of course, everything is legal Article 155. Payment for residential premises and utilities 14. Persons who have lately and (or) not fully paid for residential premises and utilities are required to pay the creditor a penalty in the amount of one three hundredth of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in force on the day of actual payment, from the amount not paid on time for each day of delay starting from the thirty-first day following the day of the established payment due date, to the day of actual payment made within ninety calendar days from the date of the established payment due date, or before expiration ninety calendar days after the due date for payment, if payment is not made within the ninety-day period. Starting from the ninety-first day following the day of the established payment deadline until the day of actual payment, penalties are paid in the amount of one hundred and thirtieth of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, effective on the day of actual payment, of the amount not paid on time for each day of delay. An increase in the amounts of penalties established by this part is not allowed. Good luck to you in resolving your issue.

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13. By one of the resolutions, management companies are given the right, when calculating rent, in the line of hot and cold water supply, in the absence of individual metering devices, to count according to the standard for the number of residents in this apartment, and from March 1, 2020, also with an increasing factor 0.5. Our management company did not accrue this way from March 1, but began only on July 1, and accrued it retroactively and for the previous 4 months. Does she have the right to charge fees retroactively?

13.1. Good afternoon The increasing coefficient is applied from July 1, 2016, the value of which is 1.4, and from 01/01/2017 - 1.5. If there are grounds, the management company has the right to make additional accruals. All the best!

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Consultation on your issue


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14. According to the court decision, the rent is calculated according to different (two) receipts, but the claim in the municipal apartment that was available at the time of filing was left to the tenant of the apartment, and the debts to the second one who registered were not assigned. How can you divide the debt for utilities between two people registered in a municipal apartment?

14.1. The old debt will be collected jointly and severally (if it has not already been collected) since the law establishes such a procedure if financial accounts are not separated.

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14.2. Good afternoon. Since at the time of filing the claim, the account was not divided, the first employer must pay accordingly - the one to whom the receipt comes. After he pays this debt, he has the right to recover half from the other tenant through the court.

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14.3. Good day. You need to file a claim with the debtor so that he reimburses you for the expenses you incurred for him in 1/2 or another share that falls on him. Good luck to you.

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15. My name is Galina. On July 9 (half a year after the death of my mother), I inherited a one-room apartment. Now I'm going to sell it. I haven’t paid rent this time, but of course I’m going to pay it, but since June, charges have been made for the use of cold and hot water for one person, although half the year falls on 07/09/17. Was the accrual done correctly? They paid for gas from 07/09/17.

15.1. Good afternoon Have you provided a death certificate to the water utility and the hot water supplier? Most likely they don’t have the data, that’s why they charged it. Bring them the death certificate with copies, they will recalculate.

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16. I bought an apartment in a new building (the house was commissioned in December 2020), sales contract dated 04/17/2017, ownership dated 05/03/2017, area 38.4 sq. m. Until March 2020, the rent was paid by the former owner, since April I have been paying, no one is registered in the apartment and no one lives there, renovations are underway. For June, the rent received was 3 times more than in previous months (from 2.5 to 7 thousand rubles). I want to know how the calculation and accrual takes place in accordance with established standards.

16.1. In order to find out how calculations and accruals occur, you need to contact directly the management company that services your home.

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17. I received a recalculation of utilities for the period 01.2016-05.2017, no one is registered in the apartment, there are two owners. How legal is it to calculate rent based on the number of owners? Water meters were put into operation in March 2017.

17.1. I received a recalculation of utilities for the period 01.2016-05.2017, no one is registered in the apartment, there are two owners. How legal is it to calculate rent based on the number of owners? Water meters were put into operation in March 2017. If there is no flow metering, then there is nothing to pay for. Good luck.

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18. Five people live in my apartment, but only one is registered. The management company, without warning, applied an increasing factor to charges for maintenance. To my question why this column was increased, and not the columns for water, garbage removal and TP, there was no answer. How right is the management company? And if she is wrong, where can you complain to force the management company to recalculate the rent?

18.1. Good afternoon, dear visitor! This is illegal, file a complaint with the housing inspectorate. Good luck and all the best, thank you for contacting us!

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19. I am registered in a non-privatized apartment. I would like to know: under what order are charges for rent based on square meters? Thank you.

19.1. Hello! Are you talking about home maintenance and repairs? It is regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, starting with Art. 155 Housing Code of the Russian Federation and further.

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20. In a communal apartment for 3 owners, 1 person is registered and the rest are owners, but they periodically live there. When calculating rent, the main amount and recalculation for electricity were charged to those registered and this is a large amount, even though they used it. What to do in such a situation? Thank you.

20.1. You have one personal account and it is opened specifically for the registered owner, therefore they are charged specifically to him. Talk to other owners about the need to partially pay utility bills.

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I am interested in a question regarding charges for apartment rent. The housing cooperative house issues a utility bill,

Topic: Rent! She lives with her husband and child in her husband’s apartment, the husband is registered alone, the child and I are in another, everything is paid there.

For the third month now, housing and communal services have been overcharging us, for December we received a receipt where we have to pay 11,000 for a three-room apartment,

For the third month now, housing and communal services have been overcharging us, for December we received a receipt where we have to pay 11,000 for a three-room apartment,

In the rent receipt there is a column “IP Pupkin intercom maintenance.”

No one lives in the apartment, but 4 people are registered. At the same time, housing and communal services charge rent during the heating season 5,000, other months up to 3,000.

Our hot water meter verification deadline expired on 04/09/16, we did not follow up on this and temporarily left apartment 20.

Does the HOA have the right to charge penalties for rent arrears if I and other residents have not entered into any agreement with the HOA.

Please, I have a rent debt in the amount of 43,785 and today for the first time a penalty in the amount of 16,439 was charged.

The heir received the apartment, completed all the documents, but did not buy the certificate from the notary.

Can I sue the housing and communal services if they calculated my rent for me, but I was not registered there.

Central values

What do payments consist of?

At the end of 2014, a unified form of receipt was approved, according to which owners of residential premises pay for utilities.

The payroll must reflect the following expenses:

  • for the maintenance of common property;
  • for current and major repairs of the house;
  • to the elevator and intercom;
  • for the provision of gas, water, electricity and heating;
  • for garbage removal and yard cleaning.

For convenience, the structure of the receipt is presented as a table for the specified items, which reflects, in addition to the name, the volume of the service, tariffs and the total amount to be paid. The payroll header indicates the payroll period.

Options for repayment of rent, as well as terms, can be adjusted - this moment depends on the terms of the agreement between the residents of the house and the management company. For example, it is possible to pay in advance for the current month, but post-payment is often an option.

Sample receipt for housing and communal services

Personal account and decryption

You can pay for utilities using special online resources - for this you will need a personal account that allows you to identify the owner of the apartment.

In accordance with the law, each residential premises must have its own set of numbers, which reflect the following information:

  • information about residents;
  • history of purchase and sale transactions (rent, privatization) of residential premises;
  • apartment area;
  • amount to pay for utilities.

Obtaining a personal account is not mandatory only for owners of private houses. As for the owners of real estate in an apartment building, if they change, the latter must visit the passport office for re-registration.

Norms and meter readings

The law provides for the possibility of installing individual metering devices that measure the consumption of 4 types of utility resources:

  • gas;
  • electricity;
  • heating;
  • water.

The use of such a device allows, in some cases, to significantly reduce the amount of payment for these services.

The main condition is that the meter can be checked and installed only by licensed specialists. In addition, the management company must be notified about this, which will subsequently record this information.

If you have a counting device, the calculation of the payment is quite simple - multiply the actual consumption for the month, which can be calculated by the difference with the figures of the previous month, by the existing tariff - it is reflected in the receipt.

It is important that such a system allows you to ignore indicators of living space, the number of people and the presence of complex devices, which in a normal situation quite significantly increases the amount to be paid.

If the owner did not take care of installing a metering device, then the rent is calculated using special standards. A norm is a unit of consumption of a utility service by one person.

It does not matter how many resources were actually used per month. The number of people living in one area and the square footage of the apartment itself become important. Therefore, if redevelopment has been carried out, you will need to submit updated data to the management company.

Description of the rent receipt

Owners who have equipped their apartments with metering devices (MU) transfer the indicators themselves; everyone else is charged based on standards or data from general building MUs. This takes into account information about the number of residents, total area and devices with increased energy intensity.

  • gas and water supply, electricity, sewerage;
  • deductions for current and major repairs of the house;
  • expenses for maintaining common property;
  • payment for elevator, intercom;
  • cleaning the local area;
  • removal of solid waste;
  • lighting of staircases, entrances and entrance areas (areas at the entrance to the entrance).

What services are included in the rent?

The state has established a certain list of services to maintain residential buildings in optimal condition:

1.Cleaning the local area.Depends on the specific service option. For example, garbage is removed 295 times a year, and swept 200 to 290 times a year.
2.Cleaning staircases.This includes sweeping and wet washing once a week.
3.Basement cleaning.This service is provided only once a year. In this case, the collected waste is transported to the designated place.
4.Removal of household waste.Solid household waste is collected every day.
5.Current repairs and preparation for seasonal operation.Current repairs of building elements are carried out based on the results of the inspection (repair of the elevator, porch, canopy, wall joints, etc.). As for preparing for the autumn-winter period, this process consists of repairing doors and glazing windows.
6.Lighting.The necessary equipment is provided according to the approved limit. It is worth noting that the lighting in the entrance is in the hands of apartment residents - they themselves must purchase light bulbs.
7.Deratization.The problem with rodents is solved after inspection - if necessary, holes are sealed and traps are installed.
8.Pest control.At least 12 times a year, insect control is carried out using irrigation, pollination and distribution of bait in places where they are collected.
9.Maintenance of smoke and ventilation ducts.It is checked once a year if the premises are not gasified, and up to 6 times a year if they are gasified.
10.Maintenance and repair of in-house power supply systems.Includes minor repairs to distribution boards, replacement of electrical elements, correction of wiring irregularities, etc.
11.Maintenance and ongoing repairs of in-house central heating systems, hot and cold water supply.Inspection twice a year. It is possible to replace emergency areas as routine repairs and then eliminate their occurrence in the future.
12.Maintenance of elevators and dispatch systems.Includes ensuring complete safety in using the elevator through periodic inspection of device parts and their replacement. Cleaning of the premises is also provided.

If there are no services provided from this list, you should contact the management company with a corresponding request.

If no response is received, then you need to file an application with the prosecutor’s office or court, since fulfilling the entire list is the direct responsibility of the service company.

Sample application for recalculation of utility bills

What's the difference between rent and utility bills?

  1. Improvement of local areas.
  2. Cleaning of entrances and staircases.
  3. Maintenance of elevators and garbage chutes.
  4. Garbage removal.
  5. Maintenance of water pipes, drains, and sewer systems at home.
  6. Maintenance of intercom systems (if it is not installed by the residents themselves).
  7. Repair of technical elements, external damage to the building, etc.

That is, the rent consists of all services that relate to the maintenance of the house and surrounding areas. The amount that consumers of services pay monthly must ensure the wages of utility workers who perform the above work.

Effect of the decision regarding the amount

Rent is calculated in accordance with the norms of Decree No. 491 of the Government of Russia dated August 13, 2006. As for Decree No. 307 “Rules for the provision of utility services to citizens,” adopted in the same year, it is no longer valid as of July 2020.

According to the first resolution, the costs of repairing and maintaining a house are expressed in the following points:

  • to maintain engineering systems that ensure the supply of residential premises with utilities;
  • collection of debts for unpaid services;
  • taking readings from meters;
  • maintaining information systems with the help of which payment information is collected and stored;
  • providing payroll to owners to pay for housing and communal services.

It is worth noting that the amount to repay the bill depends on such an indicator as the level of improvement. It is compiled in accordance with the list of utilities that the owner can receive.

Nuances of forming charges

The payment calculation system has certain nuances that are not always strictly taken into account due to certain factors. Therefore, the payroll may contain an error, and therefore the amount required to be paid may increase significantly.

In this case, you should not wait - you need to act:

  1. Compose an application, collect documents and submit them to the management company.
  2. If there is no response from the company within two weeks, you will need to contact the prosecutor's office.
  3. After this, the activities of the management company will be audited.
  4. If this option does not help, then there is also the possibility of filing a lawsuit.

However, the last point is usually not fulfilled, since a call from the prosecutor’s office is enough for the management company to accept the application for consideration.

The amount of rent in some cases can reach an amount that is unaffordable for some families. For this purpose, subsidies and benefits are provided - they allow you to repay utility bills on special terms.

How to pay rent through a Sberbank terminal

? — To do this, you need to take a receipt and come to the department, where an employee can help you if problems arise.

Read this article on how to properly understand your rent receipt.

Find out here how to pay your rent online without fees.

Thanks to public services, citizens can receive comfortable living conditions. Their list must be reflected in the agreement between residents and the housing and communal services, HOA or other body. But not every one of us has a copy of the contract at home, so the question arises: What is included in this list of services and what do you need to pay for? Now we will try to consider it in detail and find the answer.

Features of calculation

First of all, the calculation of utility bills directly depends on the calculation of tariffs in each specific region.

Within this framework, the following strict rules are established:

  • the bill payment period is one calendar month;
  • the amounts can be evenly distributed over the entire month without violating the final deadlines for accepting funds;
  • the actual date of payment is determined by the housing organization or the default deadline is applied - until the 10th day of each new month following the reporting period;
  • the payer can carry out a transaction using the details of the management company in cash or non-cash;
  • It is allowed to transfer an advance payment for future months;
  • the amounts of all payments must necessarily comply with the current tariff standards in the region;
  • if the applied tariff provides for the division of payments for the service into several parts, then a calculation must be made for each of them - in this case, the received amounts must be combined, ultimately, into one and presented as a whole;
  • calculations for utility services in 2020 are carried out in the vast majority of cases based on the readings of individual reading devices or common meters;
  • Payments of benefits or government subsidies in favor of consumers of services do not affect the final amount of utility bills.

Things to keep in mind

Independently calculating the correctness of utility bills is a fairly simple process.

However, to do this, you must have the following set of information:

  • current regional tariffs, taking into account changes as of 2020;
  • the total footage of the living space, including storage compartments and areas for common use by all residents;
  • readings from reading devices;
  • the number of citizens living in the apartment on the basis of temporary or permanent registration;
  • rules for calculating payment according to individual criteria.

As for the tariff schedule, it is regulated at the state level by executive authorities, including the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation. All accrual rules are established by special regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation. Local government bodies are also directly involved in the process of making relevant decisions.

Article 157 of the current Housing Code of the Russian Federation contains information that the amount of payments directly depends on the number of services actually consumed or on current standards, if devices for reading information on resources were not installed in the premises. Practice shows that the simplest calculation option is reconciliation with meter readings.

Restructuring of rent arrears is possible if you write a statement of the established type indicating the objective reasons for this. Find out how to pay rent through State Services from this publication.

Special devices are installed for the following resource categories:

  • water supply and sanitation;
  • supply of electricity;
  • gasification;
  • heating supply.

To determine the correct payment amount, you need to have detailed information about the current tariff for the type of service. This can be found in the payment document itself. It is also important to obtain data on current and past meter readings. Then you need to multiply the tariff by the difference in data, which will result in the desired value.

It is worth noting that within this framework the number of square meters in the apartment and the number of residents cannot be taken into account. In a similar way, you can calculate expenses for ODN when a common reading device is installed for the entire house.

Payment is made at a branch of any financial organization, for example, through the Bank of Moscow and Sberbank or online via the Internet.

What is included in the rent in Russia, list of housing and communal services

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We obtain the necessary resources from organizations that have the appropriate licenses. The main list of housing and communal services consists of :

  1. Cold water supply. The water supplied must be clean and free of germs or any chemical impurities. It should be available around the clock. The maximum permissible break is up to 8 hours per month and no more than 24 hours in case of an accident.
  2. Hot water supply. Not everyone gets this anymore. This water, in addition to the above requirements, must have a temperature from 65 degrees Celsius to 75 degrees. Small deviations from the norm are allowed.
  3. Sewerage. Housing must have a wastewater disposal system.
  4. Heating. In this case, the main factor is the air temperature in the apartment. It should be at least +18 degrees in the room and at least +15 at the entrance. During the heating season, heating may be turned off for no more than 24 hours per month.
  5. Gas supply. Not all houses are connected to domestic gas. But if housing is connected, then it is paid along with other utilities.
  6. Electricity. Interruptions in the supply of electricity lasting 2 hours for two sources and 24 hours for one are allowed.

List of municipal utilities and their characteristic features

These services do not apply to any individual apartments or private houses, but create comfortable conditions for the owners or owners of residential premises, and they are included in the rent.

Here is a list of these services:

  • Repair, maintenance of housing. The main purpose of this function is to maintain the premises in good condition.
  • Major renovation.
  • Garbage removal.
  • Other services. These include cleaning of entrances, elevators, areas around the house, 24-hour security, secure parking, grocery delivery, and so on.

Read more here: what is included in the maintenance, maintenance and ongoing repairs of property. ⇐

Important! These services are not mandatory, but if present, they must be paid at established rates.

Operational services in housing and communal services

These services include:

  • Telephone and landline communications.
  • Internet and television.
  • Intercom.
  • Security and stuff.

Note! Such services are paid only if they are available and used by residents.

Obligations of management companies and housing and communal services

All obligations listed in the contract must be fulfilled by the company so that the contract is not terminated and penalties are applied to the HOA.

The main point of the contract, which must be implemented, is repair work.

They are obliged to provide two types:

  • Current work;
  • Major renovation.

It may be that the house does not need repairs or that the residents want to demolish the poor-quality building. All these points must be reflected in the contract.

Organizational activities include:

  • Control over the supply of all necessary services from authorized organizations.
  • Accepting payments for services provided. Ensuring that payments are received on time.
  • Ensuring safe conditions for residents to use the house, as well as when carrying out repair work.
  • Consideration of complaints from residents.

Additional services

There are also additional paid services that are not included in the maintenance of the house. These may include: security, alarm systems, CCTV cameras. Some companies require illegal fees for various types of services:

  1. Services that are not included in the contract.
  2. Additional fees are charged for services included in the contract.
  3. Collection of mandatory donations for the activities of the organization.

Cold water supply

The list of housing and communal services included in the rent begins with such critically and desperately needed water. To figure it out, it’s worth first talking about what the cold liquid should be, according to the law, in the taps of all residents of the Russian Federation, who, of course, do not evade taxes. So, if we turn to sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations, then the water coming from the tap should be as clean as possible. The resident cannot find any chemical additives, dirt, bacteria or microorganisms in it. If any are detected, the owner of the premises has the right to file a complaint with the State Housing Inspectorate of his city. Also, there should be no interruptions in the supply of water under any circumstances. The maximum allowed by law is 8 hours per month. If any accident occurs, the bar increases to 24 hours per month.

Money in the bank

How are utility bills calculated?

This is not as difficult to do as it seems.

The calculation will depend on whether you deign to install metering devices, for example, a water or gas meter.

Meter readings are taken and multiplied by the current tariff at the moment and that’s it. If there are none, the number of people living in the apartment is taken and multiplied by the consumption standard, and then the resulting value is multiplied by the tariff.

More details: tariffs for housing maintenance and repairs, APPP.

If there are meters

To make it clearer, let's look at an example. Let's say you have a separate water meter installed. Then the calculations are made as follows:

  1. You need to take readings from the device and determine how much water was consumed this month.
  2. Now you need to find out the water tariff. Let it be 29 rubles/m3.
  3. The last step is to multiply the amount of water consumed by the tariff, and the amount to be paid is obtained.

Standards per person

If the counter is not installed:

  1. Let's say there are 2 people in a family. You need to multiply two by the required standard, for example, it corresponds to 10 m3 per person, then 2 is multiplied by 10 and the result is 20.
  2. Now the resulting number (20) should be multiplied by the tariff, that is, 20 * 29 (tariff) = 580 rubles.

Other utility bills are calculated using the same analogy.

More information: rates and consumption of hot and cold water per person per month without a meter.

No one is registered, what then

This may disappoint some people, but you still need to pay, and failure to pay can result in a fine. If meters are not installed, the calculation will take place according to the norms for one person, and it does not matter whether he lives in the apartment or not. In this case, counters can help. If they are installed and according to their indications no one has used the resources, then you do not need to pay, but it should be taken into account that not all types of services have meters installed. Hence the conclusion: it is impossible to completely free yourself from paying utility bills.

More information about whether the rent depends on the number of people registered. ⇐

Important! If someone else lives in the apartment instead of the owner, utilities must still be paid.

What's the difference between rent and utility bills?

In a communal apartment

In such an apartment, utility bills are paid based on agreements between residents. However, it happens that they are not achieved, in which case payment is made in accordance with the Housing Code.

Sometimes homeowners agree to pay for services in proportion to the living space they occupy or the number of people living on it.

It happens that homeowners install individual metering devices and the personal account for payment of services is divided.

Then payment will be made based on an individual metering device, as well as for the use of common property.

To avoid controversial situations, residents enter into an agreement that determines the procedure for using the common property.

Situations may arise when residents are unable to agree on payments, then:

  • Heating must be paid in proportion to the share of the total area of ​​the apartment;
  • You should pay for water based on the number of people living in the apartment;
  • They pay for light based on the number of installed lighting devices and their power.

If residents of a communal apartment have serious disputes regarding payment for utility services, they can be resolved through court. It is also worth contacting them when one of the residents refuses to pay utility bills on time, and organizations demand that all residents of the apartment pay off their debts.

Calculation of utility bills if no one is registered in the apartment

What to do if not a single person is registered in the apartment? Firstly, receipts will still be sent to the owner. Secondly, payments that are calculated on the area will not change. It’s the same with meter payments - the amount will depend on the actual consumption. Payments that depend only on the number of registered people will be zero.

If no one lives

First you need to prove the fact that no one lives in the apartment. To do this, you need to obtain a certificate from the housing office. If a person is registered in an apartment, but lives elsewhere, he needs a certificate confirming this fact. The document is valid for six months.

  • The amount of payments depending on the area will not change;
  • Payments by meters - the actual expense will be zero, and accordingly, the payment amount will be too;
  • Payments based on the number of registered people should be reduced by a certain percentage.

If there are no counters

If there are no meters, then resource consumption is calculated according to the standard, which is multiplied by the number of registered people. This indicator does not depend on the actual consumption, as well as on how many people actually live in the apartment.

In a communal apartment

A communal apartment has its own subtleties:

  • All payments depending on the area are calculated for each room separately;
  • Electricity meters are installed separately in each room;
  • Fees for common areas are proportional to the ownership interest. The consumption of water and electricity in common areas is determined separately from living rooms and is divided equally among all owners.

Legal regulation

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation obliges everyone who has a permanent residence permit in a house or apartment under certain conditions (ownership, rent, rent, etc.) to pay for consumed utilities, as well as the maintenance of the house.

General recommendations and wishes set out in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation are brought to the final version by local authorities and administrative self-government bodies individually, locally.

Tariffs for the consumption of housing and communal services are established by federal government bodies.

But adjustments are already being made in each subject of the Federation, based on the characteristics of the area and the financial condition of the region.

Typically, utility bills are calculated in one of the following ways:

Tariff multiplied by the amount of service consumedbased on the results of the metering device for the reporting period
Tariff multiplied by consumption standardin the absence of a counter

Tariffs and standards for the calculation and payment of utility services are determined in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011. No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.”

However, for each individual service (water supply, gas supply, electricity, etc.) the unit cost is set individually.

The main responsibility of owners and tenants of residential premises is the obligation to pay for consumed housing and communal services on a monthly basis in full.

Rent: where does it come from?

▪ Residents who have meters must compensate with rent the difference in energy resources between collective and apartment meters in proportion to the area of ​​their housing in the total area of ​​the apartment building,

and not in proportion to the volume of utilities consumed by your apartment.

The problem is that often some utility resources in the house are used to produce other utility resources (for example, gas, electricity and cold water - to produce hot water and thermal energy). At the same time, let’s say that some resources have meters, but others do not; some apartments have individual metering units, while others do not. This is where your head starts spinning when calculating rent.

What does the rent consist of?

Despite the fact that the word “rent” accompanies us throughout our lives, not everyone can answer what is included in utility bills for an apartment.

The easiest way to inform about the general composition of utility services is a payment receipt.

It contains the following data:

Servicesgas and water supply
Electricityand drainage
Contributions for the currentand major home renovations
Maintenance costscommon property of the whole house
Paymentelevator, intercom and concierge services
Cleaning the local areaand garbage removal, lighting of entrances, staircases, areas near the entrances to the house

Once you receive the “payment” in your hands, you can immediately understand what kind of housing and communal services are provided to you, and at what price.

Video: what the rent consists of. Utilities However, management companies do not always thoroughly “describe” everything in receipts. Often, only the total amount appears on the payment document.

In this case, you can seek clarification either from your management company or from the Unified Settlement Center of your city.

Formation of the amount

The total amount of the utility bill always consists of the product of consumption indicators and the existing tariff for a given housing and communal services product.

The difference lies in how the amount of consumption for the reporting period is identified.

If there are metering devices - according to the indicators of the meter, if they are absent - according to the standards or based on data from common house metering devices.

Those homeowners and tenants whose apartments have individual meters know very well that it is advisable to take readings from them on the same day.

For example, the 20th of every month. Utility workers recommend paying receipts, which means recording meter readings from the 15th to the 25th of the month.

If there are no meters, then payments for consumed utility products and services are calculated based on existing standards, which are not taken out of nowhere, but are calculated and updated annually by special energy commissions.

For example, in Moscow in 2020, some standards for the consumption of utility products were revised, unfortunately, in the direction of increasing the overall cost for consumers.

When calculating consumption rates, the following are taken into account:

Generaland living area of ​​the apartment
Number of personsliving in the premises
Availability in residential premisestechnically complex and energy-intensive appliances (water heaters, electric stoves, bathtubs, geysers, etc.)

Possible nuances

As in any field, no one is immune from mistakes. An inaccuracy can creep into any payment document, including a rent receipt.

If you suspect something is wrong, you don’t need to leave things to chance.

It is necessary to perform a number of simple steps:

Make a statement in writingand transfer it to the office of the management company
If there is no response within 14 days, you can contact the prosecutor's officean authorized employee will accept your application and initiate an audit of the management company’s activities
The last option where you can file a complaint is the court.but usually he doesn't get it. Even if the management company ignored your application, after a call from the prosecutor’s office, all issues are resolved in the blink of an eye

What is rent?

accounting and paperwork

Rent, or rent, is the money that citizens of the Russian Federation pay to the state for the provision of water, gas and other services necessary for normal life. If we use a little more official terminology, then rent is a strictly established amount of money that the owner of the premises must pay monthly to the supplier’s account in exchange for providing a list of utilities necessary for comfortable living. But what are these services? What is included in the rent?

In fact, the term “rent” is already somewhat outdated. Most residents of the Russian Federation have long begun to use words such as housing and communal services or housing and communal services. However, the essence has not changed at all.

It is also worth noting that the rent is included in the cost of living.

Girl counts on a calculator

So what does the rent consist of? There really aren't that many basic services for which we pay rent. It won’t be difficult to remember them and check: are they really so necessary for us?

How are utility bills calculated?

In addition to the method of calculating consumed utility products, additional components are taken into account when calculating the total payment:

Living areaand the number of people living in the apartment
Type of housingown, social, communal, etc.
Agreement conditionscontracted with the service provider
List of available utilitiesand available benefits

The calculation and accounting of all these components is presented monthly in the payment receipt sent to the payer’s address.

Meters data

Currently, 4 types of utilities can be paid for by meters:

  • gas;
  • water;
  • electricity;
  • heat (meters for this utility product are just being introduced to the general public and are not yet available to everyone).

The main requirement for utility consumption metering devices is preliminary verification and installation by licensed specialists.

Also, before installation, it is necessary to notify the management company so that they change the data in the information about the owner, and also properly record the presence of a meter in a separate apartment.

If you have meters, calculating your monthly payment is quite simple:

Subtract the current readings from those listed on the receipt last monththis will be the actual consumption for the month
Multiply the resulting number by the existing tariffspecified in the payment document

With such a calculation system, it does not matter at all what kind of living space the apartment owner owns, how many people are registered, or what complex appliances are available.

The main thing is how much of a particular utility resource was consumed during the reporting period.

Standards per person

In our country there is still a certain percentage of the total housing stock in which utility meters are not installed.

In such houses, specialized standards are applied when calculating rent.

The standard is a unit of consumption of a housing and communal services product by one person.

With such an accrual system, it does not matter at all how much water or electricity is actually spent per month.

It is important how many people live in the apartment and the square footage of the living space.

So, for example, when calculating the water supply in an apartment where 4 people live, the following actions are carried out:

Average water consumption standard for Russia370 liters per day per person (220 liters of cold and 150 liters of hot water)
Number of residents4 people, which means the total consumption per day per family according to the standard is 1480 liters or 1.48 cubic meters. m
Average cost of 1 cubic meter m of cold water in Moscow and the Moscow region 27 rubles
Multiply the cost of 1 cubic meter. m per daily consumption rate and then by the number of days in a month - 27 * 1.48 * 30 = 1198.80 rubles.

Obviously, without consuming all this water, the family will pay significantly more than they could pay according to the meter.

If no one is registered?

The financial situation or combination of circumstances allows some citizens to own more than one apartment.

In such a situation, it is possible that no one lives in the residential premises.

In order not to pay extra to the owner, it is recommended to install utility meters.

Indeed, in case of their absence, you will have to pay for housing and communal services based on the standards. It will be much more expensive.

But even if no one lives in the apartment, the owner will still have to pay expenses for:

  1. Home repairs.
  2. Garbage removal.
  3. Proper operation of the elevator, etc.

In a communal apartment

How rent will be calculated in a communal apartment can be determined by residents independently.

There are two options:

  • proportional to the occupied area;
  • depending on the number of residents.

Having decided on the form of payment, residents must draw up a written agreement of the parties, in which each resident must sign.

This document is sent to the management company, where it is registered and accepted.

Those who live in a communal apartment can be recommended to contact the management company and install individual metering devices in their room.

Unscrupulous landlords accommodate 2-3 people per 1 sq.m. If you pay for utilities based on the space you occupy, you can quickly go broke.

For example, you have the largest living space and, accordingly, you must contribute a large share of the maintenance of the shared apartment.

But in the next room there live 10-15 people who cook food, turn on electricity, wash, etc.

Having your own meters for all housing and communal services resources is the only option not to pay for other people’s joys of life.

Utility bills: what does it include?

  • Cold water supply. A mandatory requirement is that the resident has round-the-clock access to water of adequate quality. The volume of water must be equal to the required minimum to meet vital needs. Water supply can be carried out through a central network, an intra-house network or, if there is no water supply system, from a street water pump;
  • Hot water supply. Just as in the case of cold water supply, the management company undertakes to provide access to water around the clock;
  • Drainage. This service is the removal of water through domestic wastewater. It should also be carried out around the clock using centralized networks and in-house systems. Sewerage must be present in most residential premises;
  • Electricity supply. Uninterrupted round-the-clock supply in the required volume occurs through the power supply network;
  • Gas supply. Must be served around the clock. Supply can be carried out both through gas supply networks and through gas cylinders;
  • Heating. The service involves the supply of thermal energy to residential and non-residential premises of the house through centralized networks. Mandatory requirement: supply of energy in the amount necessary to maintain the proper temperature.
  • Lighting of residential and non-residential premises, as well as maintaining the required air temperature in them;
  • Carrying out activities aimed at maintaining sanitary standards in common areas and in the local area;
  • Discharge and transportation of solid and liquid waste. It is important to note that this service is also provided to organizations located in this residential building, and therefore they will also need to pay for it;
  • Fire safety;
  • Activities for landscaping and landscaping of the adjacent plot of land;
  • Costs for major and current repairs;
  • Preparation for seasonal use of the house;
  • Maintenance of common property;
  • Regular inspection of common areas.

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