On the need to survey a garden plot, if there is a cadastral number. Carrying out land surveying -
Due to difficult economic conditions and, as a consequence, a serious decrease in real financial income
How much to pay for an apartment if no one is registered there? On the other hand, not everyone
Under an agreement for gratuitous use (loan agreement), one party (the lender) undertakes to transfer or transfers the thing
The concept of social hiring What does social hiring mean? Unfortunately, state or territorial residential
Measures of state support for large families It should be said right away that there is no special law regulating assistance and
Almost every major settlement has problems with parking spaces. Many residents
There are situations when several seemingly separate apartment buildings have 1 meter installed
Is it legal to charge penalties for utilities in accordance with [K=8;T=Housing Code of the Russian Federation]
The main function of the document is to confirm the legality of residence in a certain residential area of specific citizens. For