Place of stay This is the place where a citizen stays temporarily for no more than 90 calendar days. TO
Features of apartments for tax purposes Property tax in relation to this category of real estate
What is it? A mortgage with state support is one of the types of preferential mortgage
Apartment owners during renovations often make a number of mistakes that can lead to recognition
Home / Conflict with neighbors / Consent to install a fence between neighbors - sample
In order for a person to know how to correctly calculate the amount that needs to be paid
Malfunction The Rosreestr office in Moscow will probably not work for several days. IN
Having made a survey, disputes arise about the boundaries, since often the results do not coincide with the data
Agreement for the purchase and sale of a land plot from a notary. Operations for the purchase and sale of land plots are executed according to the same
The bulk of the Government’s efforts are aimed at providing material and other types of assistance to vulnerable groups