How to privatize the local area of ​​an apartment building
Will privatization of courtyards save you from infill development?
Home / Account Back Published: 04/06/2020 0 7 1 Registration of a local area: procedure
Can a mother sign her son out of the apartment?
Home / Real estate / Purchasing real estate / Mortgage Back Published: 12/23/2019 Reading time:
Residential building inspection report
Certificate of technical condition of an apartment building
Certificate of inspection of the accident site. The accident site is examined by a whole commission, which draws up an inspection report and
How they wanted to register hostels in the Housing Code
A dormitory is a residential or non-residential building
What has changed since October 1, 2020? According to Federal Law No. 59-FZ “On the Introduction
land plots for gardening
Address Who deals with land plots in the Voronezh region for families with three children
Land surveying is a procedure whose main purpose is to determine the boundaries of a specific area. It must be carried out
status of the land plot
Land statuses. What are the similarities and what are the differences?
The status of a land plot determines the legality of land exploitation. Displays the intended purpose of the allotment, the form of permitted use,
Payments to single mothers in Moscow in 2021
In Russia today there are often cases when a woman, for one reason or another, decides to give birth
Realtor in a suit
Real estate transactions. How to choose the right agent, agency and conduct a transaction in the real estate market Pavel Aleksandrovich Kovalenko, 2009
You should not think that in such a field as real estate, vacancies for working as an agent
Payment of contributions for major repairs: cancellation due to coronavirus; in new buildings.
Thirdly, not all residents need property repaired with their money. For example, it makes no sense
Ways to temporarily register a relative in an apartment
Apartment renovation: when the law allows making noise in 2020 Everyone has heard a joke about