Time for Repair According to the Law of Kemerovo Region 2020

How much noise can you make in an apartment without violating the law “On Silence”

The main source of noise in most cases is repair work.
Hitting a hammer or drilling into a wall with a hammer drill is equally annoying both day and night. Weekends, which are eagerly awaited in anticipation of relaxation, can result in frayed nerves and headaches due to neighboring construction workers. Law enforcement agencies must deal with aggressive citizens who flout the law. To stop regular violations of silence, you should write a statement to the local police officer. He will come to the neighbors and, perhaps, at the first contact he will limit himself to conducting an explanatory conversation.

Silence law from January 1, 2020

Sources of noise during “quiet hours” most often include: ongoing repair and finishing work, loud radio and television equipment, operating electrical appliances, practicing musical instruments, loud singing and loud whistles, loud sounds made by animals, and the use of pyrotechnics.

Reports can also be drawn up by police officers. The only thing is that they do not have equipment that records the noise level. Law enforcement officers draw up a protocol and submit it to the inspector. He, in turn, conducts an explanatory conversation with the violators. If it does not take action, a fine is imposed.

How long do I have the right to make noise? I live in Novokuznetsk

2. Committing actions that disturb the peace and quiet of citizens in apartment buildings from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., with the exception of construction, installation, repair work, emergency and rescue work, as well as other urgent work necessary to ensure the safety of citizens or the functioning of facilities life support of the population, if these actions are not covered by the offenses provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article -

5. Use of sound-reproducing devices at high volume, including those installed on vehicles, balconies or window sills, disturbing the peace and quiet of citizens, if these actions are not covered by the offenses provided for in paragraphs 1 - 3 of this article, -

New law on silence: where can you make noise and where to complain?

On January 10, 2020, changes to the Law “On Ensuring Peace and Peace of Citizens” came into force in the Altai Territory and Barnaul. We tell you where and when it will no longer be possible to make noise, where to complain, and what threatens violators.

When should you not make noise?

The law strictly stipulates the time limits during which silence should be observed. So, making noise is prohibited:

From 22:00 to 8:00 from Monday to Friday inclusive.

On weekends and holidays, another “quiet hour” is added in the morning and noise is prohibited from 22:00 to 9:00.

Every day from 1 pm to 3 pm it will not be possible to listen to loud music or make repairs in apartments and entrances of residential buildings, as well as dormitories.

What if I'm doing renovations?

Alas, you will have to follow the above standards, and also get used to the fact that making repairs in apartments and entrances on Sundays and holidays is prohibited at any time. On weekdays and Saturdays, the restriction is introduced for the period from 20 pm to 9 am.

By the way, these restrictions do not apply to apartment buildings that have not been put into operation for more than 1.5 years.

What is considered noise?

Loud sounds that create inconvenience to neighbors and others. Including:

- screaming, whistling, singing, playing musical instruments; — use of pyrotechnics; — vehicle alarm (if it went off three times in a row); — repairs in residential premises in an apartment building or repairs in non-residential premises; — carrying out excavation, repair, construction, unloading and other work using mechanical means and technical devices.

In addition, during the specified time it is prohibited to use sound-reproducing devices and sound amplification devices, including those installed on vehicles, retail facilities, public catering, and leisure organizations.

And if my child is screaming, is that noise?

It depends on the reason why he screams. If he screams just because he likes it, then yes, it’s noise. And your neighbors can complain about you and make a claim against you.

If a child screams in fear or pain, this is a question for parents: if you torture a child, then you face a completely different, more serious punishment.

If a child cries loudly due to illness, no one will accuse you of breaking the law. Also, no one will fine you if your infant cries periodically at night, again, if you yourself do not cause him pain.

Where should you not make noise?

The law lists in detail the places where, from January 10, noise can only be made according to the above schedule. So, in the evenings, on weekends and on holidays, it is prohibited to make noise:

— In apartments and common areas in apartment buildings, residential buildings, dormitories.

— In local areas, including courtyard driveways, children’s, sports, and playgrounds in residential neighborhoods and groups of residential buildings;

— On the territory of educational, medical organizations, as well as organizations providing social, rehabilitation, sanatorium and resort services, services for temporary accommodation and (or) provision of temporary stay of citizens. And also on the territory of 50 meters from these objects.

— In gardening, gardening and dacha non-profit associations.

But is anyone allowed to make noise?

There are exceptions everywhere. Including this law. Will not be considered a violation of the law

work of citizens, officials and legal entities, if they are carried out to prevent emergency situations, as well as to prevent crimes and eliminate the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, and other emergencies.

An ambulance or police alarm will not be considered noise.

Is it possible to make noise on New Year's Eve?

On New Year's Eve, noise is allowed from 10 pm to 6 am.

It is allowed to make noise (on the streets) during official sports and cultural events, as well as during worship services, religious rites and ceremonies;

How will the violator be punished?

Fines. Moreover, quite noticeable.

According to the law, a citizen who violates the law on peace and quiet will have to pay a fine of 500 to 3,000 rubles.

If an official violates the law, the fine becomes higher - from 1,000 to 10,000 rubles.

If a legal entity has violated the law, then it will have to pay from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles.

Where can I complain about disturbing the silence?

First of all, try to talk with the offender and remind him of the rules. It is possible that he simply does not keep track of time and after the conversation the situation will be resolved.

If this does not help, then you will have to complain about the violator either to the local police officer or to the police. They figure out what the problem is. And if we are not talking about a crime, then “noise” cases are transferred to the district administration. By the way, a citizen can submit his application there himself.

Regularly, district administrations hold meetings of administrative commissions, at which such applications are considered.
During the hearing, the applicant must provide evidence of the offender’s noisy behavior, for example, provide testimony. NEWS FEED

Please tell me until what time it is possible to carry out repair work in the apartment on weekdays

By law, it is prohibited to carry out repair and construction work on weekends and national holidays, which are officially declared non-working days. How long does it take to make repairs? Noisy work on weekdays can begin no earlier than 9.00 am, and finish no later than 19.00 pm. In some regions of Russia no later than 20.00 pm. Construction work, if carried out continuously, should take no more than 6 hours a day. If a longer period of time is required to complete the work, an hour break is required. Regardless of how long it takes to make repairs in an apartment, the total duration of repair and construction work should not exceed 3 months. It is prohibited to use equipment and tools that cause vibration and noise levels exceeding the permissible sanitary and epidemiological standards, which in the daytime is 40 dBA. Repair work should be carried out in such a way as not to cause damage to adjacent premises. It should be noted that according to the law, it is forbidden to clutter up common areas and evacuation routes for residents in case of emergency with construction materials, as well as construction waste. It is strictly prohibited to use passenger elevators to transport building materials without packaging and construction waste. If you have written permission from your neighbors that they are not against carrying out repair work at an unspecified time, then you can safely bring your design ideas to life at a time convenient for you.

“In residential buildings during the period of reconstruction of premises, it is prohibited: - to carry out work on Sundays and public holidays; - start work involving noise earlier than 9:00 am and (or) finish it later than 7:00 pm; — use equipment and tools during work that cause excess of the normatively permissible level of noise and vibration; - carry out work without special measures to prevent damage to adjacent premises; - clutter and pollute evacuation routes and other public places with construction materials and (or) waste; — use passenger elevators to transport construction materials and waste without packaging. "

How much noise can you make in an apartment in the Kemerovo region?

If your neighbors are bothering you, you just need to submit a written complaint to one of the branches of the federal agency. It would be better if it was a collective complaint from several apartment owners. Employees will take measurements, conduct an examination and draw up a report on the administrative violation. The act drawn up by experts will serve as indisputable evidence when going to court.

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Similar sanctions are provided for construction, installation and repair work that disturbs the peace and quiet of citizens in apartment buildings from 20:00 to 22:00, as well as for the use of sound-reproducing devices at high volumes, including those installed on vehicles, balconies or window sills .

Law of the Kemerovo Region At What Time Can You Make Repairs?

By the way, we are talking not only about repairs. For example, in December of this year, the Anzhero-Sudzhensk police received a message from the city hospital that a year-old man had come to the trauma department with a bruised head wound.

In Kuzbass, a fine has been introduced for violating the silence during the day and on weekends

The lights in the apartment went out and the music stopped. It is currently pending in court. Or another story that we have already told you. After another knock on the door, the pensioner decided to teach the schoolgirls a lesson with a weapon. The girl, fortunately, survived, and the pensioner was detained by the police.

But here, too, not everything is simple: the examination is carried out by Rospotrebnadzor employees, but only during working hours and on weekdays. And at this time, as you understand, you can make as much noise as you want. At night, the specialists of this department will not help you; you need to contact a private office. And now the really bad news: we have not found a single company that would conduct such examinations in Kemerovo or the entire Kuzbass. You can also call a local police officer, who will record your complaint in writing, and you can and should turn to the municipal administration for help, because now in Kuzbass only secretaries of administrative commissions can draw up administrative protocols for violators of silence.

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From what time and until how long can you make noise in an apartment according to the law?

Often it is enough to simply wait until the cherished 22:00 or 23:00 pm (as mentioned earlier, this figure is different for each region) and call the police. The actions of those who like to listen to music loudly at night fall under the Code of Administrative Offences. Sometimes measures that involve imposing a fine work better than ordinary peace negotiations with a loud neighbor.

Many first try to negotiate peacefully with those who like parties, loud music or construction. Some understand and behave appropriately. But this happens in quite rare cases. Most often, they can simply slam the door, and also be rude in response.

Punishment for breaking silence

Just like the time periods during which noisy repair work is prohibited, penalties for non-compliance with the law of silence vary depending on the region.

If neighbors cannot resolve the issue on their own, the police should be involved in resolving the conflict. Usually, the squad arrives to a call within 15-30 minutes.

The first time violators are given a warning. After repeated application, the police already have the right to issue a fine.

Noise is a violation of public order and is punishable under the Code of Administrative Offences.

In Moscow, the fine varies from 1,000 rubles. up to 2,000 rub. for individuals, and from 40,000 rubles. up to 80,000 rub. for legal entities depending on the circumstances.

In St. Petersburg, the range of fines for individuals is 500 - 4,000 rubles; in smaller regions, fines cost citizens up to 500 rubles.

arrest for 15 days can be applied as punishment

The maximum penalty is a court order to forcefully relocate noisy neighbors. This measure applies exclusively to tenants and cannot be applied to homeowners.

How much noise can you make in an apartment?

It happens that the duration of the period of silence changes as the year progresses. The Law “On Ensuring Peace and Peace in the Samara Region” states that in winter, autumn and spring you can make noise until 10 pm, and in summer - 60 minutes longer, that is, until 11 pm.

And simply fearing for the consequences in the event of repeated brawls, they will not continue to brawl. And even if they do, the police will regularly fine them, which will also encourage them not to break the law. It is important to note that failure to pay a fine may result in administrative arrest.

Until what time can you make noise in your apartment?

  • it is strictly prohibited to make noise or hold noisy events in the apartment on days that are considered weekends and holidays in accordance with federal and local laws in force in the Russian Federation (it is worth separately noting that not all regions of the Russian Federation have Saturday as a day off);
  • It is prohibited to carry out various types of noise work on non-working days (for example, weekends and holidays), among other things, you cannot drill;
  • on weekdays, it is strictly forbidden to make noise until nine in the morning (in some cities and regions - until eight in the morning);
  • the noise level, in any case, must comply with the standards established by law (usually, the maximum permissible noise level is set at 40 dBA);
  • It is necessary to stop performing any noise repair work (for example, drilling) before seven o'clock in the evening (in some regions - until eight o'clock in the evening).
  • sanitary-epidemiological service (representatives of this authority should be contacted when you intend to measure the noise level in the apartment);
  • police (you can contact police officers or local police officers when you decide to write a written statement about a violation of your rights and interests);
  • Rospotrebnadzor (a federal service that helps resolve conflicts related to violations of the rights and well-being of residents of the Russian Federation, when other attempts to resolve conflicts with neighbors have not brought the desired results).

What is the law on noise in an apartment in Moscow and Moscow Region?

In accordance with Law No. 42, which was adopted by the local authorities of the city of Moscow, night time is established in the capital from 23:00 to 7:00. It was at this time that the authorities banned the following:

  • Listen to radios, speaker systems, televisions and other devices that produce excessive noise at high volume;
  • Play various musical instruments, regardless of what type they are and for what purpose the game is played;
  • Loud singing, talking and shouting;
  • Unreasonable activation of sound alarms;
  • Use of pyrotechnic devices;
  • Loading and unloading operations;
  • Other actions that may disturb the peace of other citizens.

How much noise can you make in an apartment in the Kemerovo region?

Citizens living in an apartment building suffer the most from noise. Due to the thin walls and apartments located close to each other, people hear any rustling noises from their neighbors. Knowledge of the provisions of the legislative act on silence in an apartment building allows residents to defend their rights to comfortable living.

The practice of other regions, in particular the Tomsk region, which previously made similar amendments to their legislation, is unlikely in this case to be an opportunity for Kuzbass residents to learn from the mistakes of others. In particular, the heads of law enforcement agencies in the Tomsk region recognize the fact that often the “law on silence during the daytime” becomes “a weapon for unfriendly neighbors.” And just in this case, establishing a noise level limit that cannot be violated would be completely useful.

How much noise can you make in an apartment according to the law in the Kemerovo region?

From what time can repairs be carried out: the start should be no earlier than 9:00 am, and the end of work should be no later than 19:00 pm (in some regions until 22:00 pm). This way you will be able to avoid conflicts with neighbors and will not break any laws;

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  • The duration of any kind of construction work is limited to 6 hours per day . Only those cases where a longer intervention is necessary can be excluded. Such work is carried out with an hour break;
  • The duration of repairs in a multi-apartment residential building is limited to three months , regardless of the time before which they were carried out;
  • The noise level in the daytime is up to 40 dBA, therefore the use of tools, equipment or units whose noise and vibration barrier exceeds this indicator is prohibited;
  • It is also prohibited to cause damage to adjacent rooms, for example, damage to load-bearing or interior walls;
  • In addition to the time frame, the laws of the Russian Federation prohibit the loading of construction waste, materials and waste into public places and evacuation areas;
  • It is also prohibited to transport building materials without the necessary packaging in passenger elevators;
  • In the event that you need more time to complete a renovation project or the renovation work must be carried out at a time not established by law, it is worth obtaining a written agreement from your neighbors.
    Such a document will allow you to implement any ideas at a convenient time. If we rely on the same article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 9 clause 2, all construction, loading and unloading and other types of construction work (with the exception of emergency recovery, rescue and other urgent types of work) must be completed no later than 21 hours. You can start work involving increased noise that may disturb citizens no earlier than 8 a.m. People who do not comply with this provision can be threatened with fines - they range from 500 rubles for individuals, for officials from 1000 to one and a half, and for legal entities from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. However, for the first time the police can issue a warning without issuing a fine.

Law on silence in an apartment building 2020 in the Kemerovo region

It’s probably not safe to combine the words “repair” and “neighbors” even in one sentence. After all, finding yourself in a situation where the song of your neighbor’s drill simply does not allow you to rest on your only day off is not news. Both builders and residents of multi-story buildings understand well what we are talking about. Or maybe you yourself are on the verge of an upcoming renovation. Let’s take a good look at when and how much noise you can make if you already started renovating your apartment on the weekend.

Everyone who is in any way connected with construction must be aware of all the responsibilities. According to current laws, repair work can begin from 8.00 and end no later than 21.00. If you do not comply with this regime, consider that you are already breaking the law and may be subject to administrative responsibility for this. Apartment renovations on weekends and holidays are strictly prohibited. If you still need to do renovations that involve noise on Saturday or Sunday, you will have to draw up a schedule and coordinate it with your neighbors. Otherwise, they have every right to complain about you to relevant authorities. If you intend to remodel your apartment or re-equip it, then you must have the appropriate permission to carry out such work.

If the repair consists only of gluing wallpaper or painting windows (or carrying out other silent manipulations), then it is not necessary to warn neighbors about this. It is strictly prohibited: - on any day of the week, use tools that create noise exceeding permissible standards (40 decibels); - carry out manipulations indoors that may harm neighbors and nearby premises; — leave construction waste in public premises and use elevators as lifts for building materials and waste removal after completion of construction work; - carry out repair work for more than four months without the consent of neighbors. If the above rules are not followed, you should first talk to your neighbors. If they do not respond to your request, then you can go further and file complaints not only with the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, but also with the prosecutor’s office. Elimination give the appropriate services the opportunity to deal with this problem. If neighbors continue to exceed the permissible noise level and do not stop repairs on weekends, the law

involves levying a fine from violators. If a complaint has already been filed, then the violator, according to the Code of Administrative Offences, will be fined by the relevant authorities. If you make a second complaint, the amount of the fine will be doubled, and confiscation of items that create noise is possible, so it’s better not to break the law .

How much noise can you make in an apartment according to the law of the Russian Federation in 2020?

Of course, not all neighbors understand such a conversation; for some, politeness is falsely perceived as weakness. Remind them that there is a rule from how much noise can be made in an apartment according to the law of the Russian Federation in 2020, for violation of which a fine is imposed. Again, each region sets this fine independently, but most often it is an amount from 500 rubles to several thousand for ordinary residents and tens of thousands of rubles for organizations.

  • All laws on silence agree that making noise is prohibited from 22-23 o'clock until 7-8 o'clock in the morning.
  • It is unacceptable to break silence for more than six hours in a row, even during permitted hours.

  • It is unacceptable to make noise in connection with repair work for more than three months, even if the noise was not made every day.
  • It is unacceptable to make noise on Sunday (sometimes on Saturday) and on public holidays declared days off.
  • How much noise can you make in other regions of Russia?

    The authorities of Tyumen, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod have established night time from 22:00 to 8:00, but in Kazan, on the contrary, they have reduced it; noise is prohibited there from 23:00 to 6:00.

    They also set how much noise you can make on weekends, and this time was cut even further. Neighbors have the right to demand silence from 19:00 to 9:00.

    Novosibirsk authorities have established their daily routine in apartment buildings. On weekdays, the peace of citizens should not be disturbed from 20:00 to 8:00, and on weekends no noise should be made from 20:00 to 9:00. The amount of the fine for disturbing the peace does not exceed 3,000 rubles.

    The amounts of fines have been established for violating silence in Krasnoyarsk. There, entertainment during quiet hours is more expensive on weekends. Since the maximum fine for violating silence on weekdays is 3,000 rubles, and entertainment on weekends and holidays will cost 4,000 rubles. The time of silence also differs; on weekdays the authorities prohibited making noise from 22:00 to 7:00, and on weekends and holidays from 22:00 to 9:00.

    The authorities of Chelyabinsk also set high fines. There you can get a fine of 5,000 rubles for breaking the silence. The regional council has established that silence must be observed from 22:00 to 6:00 on weekdays and from 23:00 to 8:00 on weekends and holidays.

    More detailed information on each individual region can be found on the administration website or by calling.

    How much noise can you make in an apartment?

    To solve the problem, it is not necessary to measure decibels after 23.00, but you just need to call the police. Because this is already an encroachment on social norms of order and the tranquility of every citizen. In practice, the authorities draw up a pacification protocol.

    1. We contact the sanitary and epidemiological station department, from where field specialists are required to measure the noise level and record the data on paper.
    2. We are writing a paper to Rospotrebnadzor, which also considers complaints about this kind of trouble.
    3. We call the local inspector. Such a measure can be completely anonymous, and all further moralizing will be carried out by people in uniform.

    How long can you listen to loud music in an apartment?

    In legal practice, a case was recorded when a too noisy neighbor, who systematically violated the order, was evicted from his living space . Therefore, to the question of how long you can listen to loud music, you can answer - not until how long. Whether or not to turn down the sound should be decided by the person himself based on his moral principles.

    Until what hour can you listen to music in your apartment without disturbing your neighbors? As already mentioned, this time is from 23.00 to 07.00 hours, depending on the region. But what to do if you want to listen to music during this period? To do this, it is recommended to use headphones, increase the sound insulation of the room or reduce the noise level to 40 dB. But not everyone knows what decibels are and how to determine this level.

    What the law says

    There are two main regulations at the federal level:

    • Federal Law No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” dated March 30, 1999;
    • SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises.”

    The law prescribes that residential premises must comply with certain requirements in terms of noise and vibration levels (Clause 1, Article 23 of Federal Law No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999). Section VI of SanPiN (as amended on December 27, 2010) specifies the requirements for sound insulation and noise level in apartment buildings. The official text of this document contains maximum sound level values. They are given in dBA. According to the information specified in Appendix No. 3 of the above document, the limit values ​​are:

    • during the day (from 7.00 to 23.00): 55 dBA for residential buildings, 70 dBA for the surrounding area;
    • at night (from 23.00 to 7.00): 45 dBA for residential buildings, 60 dBA for the local area.

    It is worth considering that measuring the above indicators requires special equipment, which is available to Rospotrebnadzor employees.

    But they only take measurements based on complaints about noise arising from the activities of an organization. In cases where ordinary neighbors—individuals—are noisy, Rospotrebnadzor does not take any measurements. This is stated in paragraph 1.19 of the Methodological Instructions MUK 4.3.2194-07.

    In addition to federal standards, local ones are also applied, which are enshrined in the so-called law on silence in the Kemerovo region in 2019 in an apartment building.

    This document:

    1. Sets the silence time.
    2. Determines how loud you can listen to music in the Kemerovo region.
    3. Indicates how long it is allowed to make repairs, play musical instruments in the house, etc.

    It also spells out the fines for violators.

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