Boundaries of a land plot by cadastral number
PRO new building 7 (499) 703-51-68 (Moscow) In the search section that appears, you must specify data or
Disclosure of information in housing and communal services. Filling out forms by managers of apartment buildings.
Management company reports Homeowners do not assume that they have the right to see how
Amounts and procedure for paying state duty for privatization of land
Home / Real estate / Land / Ownership / Privatization Back Published: 06.21.2017
Compensation for garage demolition in 2020
What it is? Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but
Limitation period for inheritance
Limitation periods for claims in inheritance cases
Is there a statute of limitations for entering into an inheritance? To enter into inheritance rights, it is provided
Blockage: what to do and who to call if the sewer is clogged?
Blockage: what to do and who to call if the sewer is clogged?
If you have a clogged sewer in an apartment building, then this problem must be solved quickly,
How to prove kinship when entering into an inheritance?
What will you need? To establish the fact of a family relationship with the deceased, it is often enough to have on hand:
How many times can one person take out a mortgage for a home?
Is a mortgage given to one person without a family in Izhevsk
Mortgage is one of the most complex loan products, as it is associated with the purchase of real estate
The results of the cadastral valuation of land were shocking - The best resource about SMS Marketing
Template for justifying the choice of approaches and valuation methods for calculating the market value of the right to lease a land plot
Definition of grading and quality To fully understand the topic, it is necessary to determine the value of grading within the framework
To pay or not to pay one tax for water
In the Altai Territory, a tariff was introduced for “disposal of wastewater for the maintenance of common property”
“HVS ODN” - transcript When receiving a monthly payment receipt, the first thing that may confuse you is: