The State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN) is an information resource containing information about those real estate objects
Tax when buying an apartment from relatives Becoming the owner of an apartment of a close relative during his lifetime
Home / Loans Back Published: 03/25/2020 0 11 1 Documents for temporary registration 2
Where can I get a loan secured by a share of an apartment? What determines the amount of a secured loan?
What needs to be done to remove a citizen from registration at the place of residence If there were
The question in the light of legislation It’s not possible to not think about anything at all - on
All articles 8361 2020-03-13 An extract from the Unified State Register is a document from the Unified State Register
Lack of a technical plan It is important not to confuse a technical plan with a passport - the latter is not
SNiP 31-105-2002 - on frame energy-efficient houses SNiP is advisory in nature, includes
The acquisition by a foreign citizen of a temporary residence permit on the territory of the Russian Federation does not mean