Express Newspaper answers current, inconvenient and unexpected questions. And today we will find out if it is possible
List of documents To obtain social housing, you will need an impressive package of papers. The applicant must submit
To date, the area of uninhabitable housing in the country has exceeded 10 million square meters.
For what purpose is a goods acceptance certificate drawn up? A transfer and acceptance certificate is a document drawn up when
The article was updated on March 25, 2019. General household needs are the sum of the costs of maintaining common property
Encumbrance of an apartment means that this property has certain restrictions on operation and disposal
Is it possible and how to donate a share in an apartment without the consent of other owners 2020 /
The procedure for registering a transaction is Federal Law No. 214-FZ, dated December 30, 2004 - the main regulatory framework
Why is workplace cleaning needed in catering establishments? According to SanPiN, during
Registration of an apartment for cadastral registration: documents, verification procedure In Russia to this day