Is it possible to register a child separately from his parents?
Registration of a minor child without parents: is it possible to register children separately Parents have equal rights
Features of purchasing land from the state by an individual
Purchase of land from the state
Innovations in the Land Code According to the provisions of the current Land Code of the Russian Federation, the purchase of a land plot from the administration
Division of an apartment during a divorce if there are children
The procedure for dividing property If the property was acquired in a marriage relationship, then the couple has equal
Land, agriculture
Public easement on a land plot: what is it and how is it established?
Easement (from Latin Servitus) – subordination, restriction of rights. When an easement is established on land, then
Court decision on joint and several collection of debt for payment for water supply and sanitation services No. 2-1858/2017 ~ M-1764/2017
Debt collection for housing and communal services In 2020, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation was supplemented with amendments regarding
Registration of a newborn child through State Services or MFC
The legislation does not regulate in any way the period of time during which parents must register their newborn baby
Step-by-step instructions on how to create an HOA in an apartment building
Legislation provides citizens who are home owners with the right to independently manage their home property. This is organized
Cleaning the local area of ​​an apartment building: who should clean, whose responsibility it is, standards and frequency of snow removal - all about real estate
How many meters is the adjacent territory to a private house? The General Meeting consists of the owners of independent objects
List of Documents for Obtaining a Tax Deduction During Treatment
The state provides a tax benefit that provides for a property deduction for the purchase of real estate. Tax deduction
Step-by-step instructions for correctly registering a land plot with cadastral registration
Preparation for filing documents Submission of papers can be carried out by a person intending to purchase a land plot for