Quite a large number of Russians are interested in how water meters are checked at home. It's quite natural
The concept of account separation A personal account is an individual 8-10-digit number that is assigned by the management company
Flooding of an apartment is a nuisance that occurs in the life of almost every person. It's especially sad if
Certificate of state registration of rights to a land plot: definition Certificate of ownership of land
In our time, the stability has become the increase in electricity tariffs. And to save your money
Sample statement of claim for determining the procedure for using an apartment and dividing a financial personal account
If you are just thinking about buying an apartment, consider only offers with large parking pockets
I bought an apartment, what to do next, Ukraine. Thus, all payments will now be transferred to you,
Temporary registration allows a citizen to reside at the place of residence legally. Registration of temporary
What should be the optimal water pressure in the system? To begin with, it would not be superfluous to decide