On the establishment of an accounting norm and norm for the provision of living space in the municipal housing stock of the Anninskoye rural settlement of the Lomonosovsky municipal district of the Leningrad region

What living space standards are used in 2020

Legislative bodies may review the grounds on which a person can be placed in a flexible fund. If the apartment was taken away for debts, government authorities may provide the debtor with a temporary place of residence to pay off the debt.

According to Article 50 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “Norm for the provision and accounting norm of the area of ​​​​residential premises,” the establishment of the accounting value of the indicator is carried out by local government bodies. However, it should not exceed the provision rate, which is also established by the local government.

Registration norm of living space per person

  1. The minimum standard is established for living space located in dormitories or foundations owned by municipal authorities.
  2. The provision rate is the smallest amount of space required for living. The allocation of such a minimum is allowed if a social rental agreement is signed with a citizen.
  3. An accounting norm is the square footage on the basis of which certain authorities calculate whether a citizen or family needs to be allocated additional square meters for living. In accordance with the law, this norm cannot be less than the provision norm.
  • if the apartment transferred for disposal under a social tenancy agreement is located in a building awaiting major renovation;
  • if the living space was confiscated from a person for debts to a banking organization due to non-payment of mortgage interest, and in other situations;
  • the only place to live was lost due to an emergency.

Living space standards - how many square meters of housing are allowed per person

  • The norm for the provision of housing is the minimum size of the premises, according to which the size of the provision of living space under a social tenancy agreement is determined;
  • According to the minimum sanitary standard, one resident of a particular apartment (or house) must have at least 6 square meters;
  • The social norm is the size of the housing area per person, within which compensation (subsidies) are provided for paying for housing and utilities.
  1. Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented).
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2004 N 817 “On approval of the list of diseases giving disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space.”
  3. Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel” (with subsequent amendments and additions).

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Housing standard for disabled people

living space standards in the Leningrad region? Article 4. Norms for the provision of living space 1. Citizens and members of their families, unless otherwise established by this article, are provided with living space calculated according to the following standards (paragraph as amended, entered into force on May 15, 2010 (the effect applies to legal relations , arising from July 1, 2009) by the Law of the Leningrad Region of May 7, 2010 N 19-oz: a) 18 square meters of total area per family member of three or more people; b) 42 square meters of total area for a family of two people; c) 33 square meters of total area per person. 2. Disabled people suffering from severe forms of chronic diseases, provided for in the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, may be provided with residential premises under social tenancy agreements with a total area exceeding the norm for one person, but not more than twice. 3. The clause has lost force since January 26, 2011 - Law of the Leningrad Region of December 29, 2010 N 89-oz..

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Why don’t the authorities introduce accounting standards for housing for disabled participants of the Second World War? Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation for participants and disabled people of the Second World War and the Federal Law on Veterans, as amended. - because in each subject they are different. hence the payments on Certificates. they also vary quite a lot.

Standard living space per person in the Leningrad region

The Housing Code has strictly defined a value that cannot be less than 12 m2. But a citizen’s residence in such an area is temporary until full-fledged housing is allocated. The law also defines a norm of six squares as a sanitary norm.

In accordance with the current housing legislation and the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the standard living space is considered to be the number of square meters of housing that falls on one specific person. Info Government bodies of the Russian Federation have the right, in accordance with legislation, to establish regional standards for housing area, but can also delegate this right to local government bodies.

Decision of the Leninsky District Court

Representative of MPZHH by proxy R.G. did not recognize the application and submitted a written response, in which she explained that, in accordance with Art. 17 Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” N 181-ФЗ dated November 24, 1995, disabled people and families with disabled children are given a discount of at least 50% on rent and utility bills. Clause 9 of the Rules for Citizens to Pay for Housing and Utilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 392 of July 30, 2004, determines the procedure for paying for housing within the social norm.

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The court found that MPZHH provides a discount to disabled people and families with disabled children, 50% on payment for services for maintenance and heating not for the total area of ​​the apartment, but within the limits of the social norm for the area of ​​housing and standards for the consumption of utilities based on the Rules for the payment of housing by citizens and utilities approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 392 of July 30, 2004, and the Law of the Ivanovo Region “On the Social Standard for Housing Area” No. 19-OZ of March 30, 1998.

Standard living space per person 2020 in the Leningrad region

  1. If necessary, confirm the tenant’s right to receive additional space.
  2. When temporary residents move in.
  3. Relocation of the tenant during major renovations in the building.
  4. The real estate property is being divided.
  5. The tenant is being evicted.
  6. You need to pay rent for living space.

Article 38 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation outlines the standards that must be complied with when calculating the required living space. So, the standards for the provision of housing are indicated there. The concept represents the minimum size of the living space of an apartment, in accordance with which the size of housing that is provided under a social tenancy agreement is determined.

How many square meters per person in 2020

The concept affects the number of people who can live in the premises, as well as the ability to claim additional meters. Not everyone can improve their living conditions. The list of persons who have such a right is reflected in the current legislation. We will talk further about the rules in accordance with which citizens are given additional premises, the amount of standards in accordance with which a person can apply for improved living conditions, as well as who is provided with housing benefits.

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Current legislation allows a citizen to count on improved living conditions. However, this is possible if the accounting norm for the living space per person is less than the established requirements. The value of the indicator is also established in accordance with the law. It must be taken into account that there are sanitary and social standards.


Thus, at the end of 2020, the main indicators of housing conditions of the population of the Russian Federation, taking into account urban and rural areas, as well as the square footage of premises, are the following data:

  • There is an average of 25.8 m2 per resident of the country. Moreover, in urban areas this figure is slightly lower - it is 25.4 m2.
  • In rural areas - 26.9 m2.
  • The total number of apartments in the country is 66,900,000. This includes all premises, regardless of the number of rooms and square footage.
  • Of these, the majority are two-room apartments – that’s 25,700,000.
  • One-room apartments – 16,600,000.
  • There are slightly more three-room apartments - 18,700,000.
  • The number of four-room and multi-room apartments is insignificant and fluctuates around 5,400,000.

Thus, it can be noted that about 40% of the urban population lives in two-room apartments. Considering the statistics on the number of families that are registered as needing housing, at the end of 2020 they amount to 4.3%. If we talk about privatized housing from the total number, then by this moment it is 82%.

What is the standard living space per person?

The size of the transferred housing under a social tenancy agreement is subject to regional standards, but may be higher than them. The contract is concluded for five years, and then transferred to personal use. Orphans are necessarily allocated separate housing, which is a comfortable apartment or house.

4. Military personnel . This category of citizens has the right to receive housing from the state. Here established standards are applied, depending on the composition of the family. Each family member should have 18 square meters. m of living space, and for a single serviceman the room should be 18-25 square meters. For this category, standards are established by regional authorities.

Standard living space area in the Leningrad region

I can’t find the size of the area anywhere ((( 1) what are the standards Clarification from May 25, 2020 - 22:40 (* the last line is superfluous - please ignore!) Subject: Answers: May 26 01:04 For each member of the tenant’s family there must be at least 9 sq.m. per person.If less, then there are grounds for recognizing you as in need of improved living conditions.

Irina 10:11 26/05 Oksana, thank you! I was confused by the word “employer”.

what if we are the owners? Irina 10:12 26/05 and, and also, 9 sq.m.

— is this the TOTAL area of ​​the apartment or living room(s)? Oksana Berkman 14:30 26/05 it doesn’t matter, the owner and his family members.

9 sq.m. - living space per person.

  1. 21:30 1/12 Ivan
  2. 19:15 11/28 Lyudmila
  3. 11:50 5/01 Bronnitsky

How many square meters of living space are allowed per person?

In each region, this norm has a certain size , which is determined individually. The accounting norm can be changed for specific groups of citizens, including military personnel and disabled people. But a decrease or increase in the accounting rate occurs only on the basis of a Federal Act. Important documents for this are the laws of the subjects themselves, or decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

Over the past few years, this area in the legislation of the Russian Federation has undergone virtually no changes. If the norms become different, it is only within a specific region; the amount of change is rarely large. But more often than not, even other cities repeat the same rules that apply in Moscow.

Certificate on the accounting norm and norm for the provision of living space in the Leningrad region

Decision of the Council of Deputies of the municipal formation Penikovskoye rural settlement of the municipal formation Lomonosovsky municipal district of the Leningrad region dated October 28, 2014 N 10 “On establishing an accounting norm and a norm for providing residential area”

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Decision of the Council of Deputies of the municipal formation Lagolovskoye rural settlement of the Lomonosov municipal district of the Leningrad region dated May 18, 2020 N 15 “On establishing an accounting norm and norm for the provision of residential space under a social tenancy agreement”

New rules for providing residential premises to those in need - (2nd edition, revised) (Dolgova M

4) who are tenants of residential premises under social tenancy agreements or family members of a tenant of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, or owners of residential premises or family members of the owner of residential premises and provided with a total area of ​​residential premises per family member less than the accounting norm.

Russian housing legislation establishes the grounds for recognizing a citizen as needing housing, which apply to both low-income citizens and citizens of other categories specified in federal laws and laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

25 Jan 2020 etolaw 290

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What living space is designed for one person in 2020

Flexible housing is provided for a certain time until the citizen returns to his living quarters or the municipality finds him another apartment. You can get in line at the local administration; you will have to submit an application and other documents there. Often the reason is a lack of square footage. m. per citizen in a family.

Thus, only his close relatives can be registered with the main tenant, but the living space indicator cannot be less than the established minimum. Only minor children are registered in social housing without taking into account the size of the living space.

Standard living space per person in Moscow in 2020

The classic normative reference for a family of 2 people is equal to 42 m2. For a person living alone -35 m2. There are some nuances regarding Moscow and St. Petersburg. So, a married couple is entitled to 44 m2. Persons of 2 people who are related -50 m2. For a family of 2 people and 1 registered person - 62 m2. With a composition of 3, but not spouses - 74 m2.

Poor living conditions are confirmed by a commission, which must go to the place of actual residence of the beneficiaries and make an opinion on the condition of the room, apartment or private house. Residential premises, taking into account the applicable norms, are provided according to the queue.

Housing and communal services issues

I have been a disabled person of group 2 since October 20, 2011, which is confirmed by certificates (Appendix 1). In connection with paragraph g) of Art. 6 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2014 No. 136, which entered into force on March 7, 2014, “On amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the establishment and application of social norms for the consumption of electrical energy (power)”, I ASK:

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It turns out that from April 1, 2014, the amount of electricity paid according to the social norm for families that include disabled people and disabled children, for large families and families with children left without parental care increases by 1.5 times. In addition, for these categories of families, in the first year after the start of the application of the social norm for electricity, all electricity consumed is paid according to the social norm. Previously, this provision applied only to pensioners living alone.

How many square meters per person are allowed in 2020

The accounting norm for housing should be calculated in situations where the issue of placing a family or a specific person in line for improved housing conditions is being decided. The calculation of the indicator value is carried out depending on the conditions that apply in each specific region.

These are citizens who live in apartments that do not comply with current standards. The norm is set by municipalities. They necessarily take into account the actual condition and current structure of the housing stock. The same applies to the number of premises that can be included in the housing stock to increase it.

26 Apr 2020 glavurist 651

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