How to find out whether property is in the register of pledges of movable property
How to find out the cadastral number Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues,
Minimum amount of purchase and sale agreement
How to avoid fraud when buying an apartment? In order not to run into one of the deception schemes
How to register an extension to an apartment building?
How to design an extension to an apartment building
Despite the apparent disadvantages of apartments on the first floors (noise on the street, high probability of theft
What documents are needed for registration in the owner’s apartment and the specifics of collecting them
In what cases does the law require obtaining the consent of the owner for registration at the place of residence?
when will the heating be turned on
Requirements for turning on heating according to standards in 2020
As soon as in the fall, after the heat subsides, the temperature drops by at least 10 degrees, then
The procedure for legalizing unauthorized buildings in 2020
Many citizens of the country today are interested in how to legalize unauthorized construction. And this is no coincidence, because
Business rental of apartments for daily rent pitfalls
Having additional real estate, you can make a profit from it. Renting an apartment is
What is included in the redevelopment of an apartment by law?
Demolition and construction of non-load-bearing walls: in what cases is approval required? Is it necessary to approve the transfer?
Sample. Regulations on the audit commission (auditor) of a joint-stock company (standard form)
For general ownership and use of residential premises of an apartment building, as well as for carrying out economic activities
Cadastral registration of an apartment building
Legal topics are very complex, but in this article we will try to answer the question “How